Want to do this with me?

A personal share about feeling clear, calm and confident about your business with simple essential oil routines and rituals. 

Confession: It's getting harder, not easier to run my business. 

Sure, some things I've got dialed in. 

How to create clients, make money, set up simple systems, and all the groundwork for earning over 6 figures while working about 25 hours a week. 

All good stuff.

But, here's the truth. 

The hardest part of my business is managing my mindset and making sure I feel VITAL enough to do the work required of me to grow, learn and stay focused

I can list all kinds of valid reasons why staying focused, courageous and clear while running my business isn't easy-peasy and requires daily deliberate focus. 

Perhaps it's peri-menopause, perhaps it's family life, perhaps it's because I'm entering my late forties, perhaps having babies sucked essential nutrients out of my brain, perhaps it's because the marketplace keeps changing, perhaps because I'm forced to learn new things each and every year, perhaps because there are so many distractions, or perhaps... its' simply that the creating for a living takes serious courage and nurturing. 

Such is the life of running a conscious business. 

You can't fall asleep on your business, or yourself. 

You must stay awake and alive and engaged. 

This is the toughest part.  

Because our culture, now more then ever, makes it easy to fall asleep on your life. 

It takes no effort to be miserable and so-so happy. 

It takes proactive effort to be engaged and awake. 

In the past few years, I've been exploring news ways to help myself feel better and thrive professionally. 

I realized I had the marketing thing down, but I needed more in my mental game and physical vitality. 

I'm happy to share, I'm feeling better, sharper and more courageous. 

Here's what I've been doing... 

HERBS - Specific Herbal infusions that are delicious to sip on

MINDSET - A daily mindset protocol that helps me focus, choose how I feel and show up consistently

NUTRITION - Specific Nutritional protocol that makes saying saying no to all the foods that have negative consequences on my mind and body relatively EASY

ENERGY MANAGEMENT - Setting up daily routines, rituals and rhythms that make me feel powerful AND feminine, clear AND calm and doesn't feel like I'm doing more

ESSENTIAL OILS - And most recently, I've added specific essential oils to help me feel clear, calm and courageous, and help me show up consistently in my marketing

All of these things have become essential to my business day-to-day "operations".

Essential oils is the newest layer to my business energetics protocol. 

I've been quietly using them this past year in specific routines of my work day, and with my family life, and it's become such a source of rejuvenation. 

So, I am authentically sharing with you, to see if you might relate and would like to talk more about this with me and a small group, at no charge. 

Here's what I have in mind. 

I want to start sharing these types of "business energetics" tools that help me so much with my focus and stamina.

So, in case you too have always been curious about how to set up your own "business energetics" protocols beginning with essential oils to pull yourself forward, here's my plan. 

I'm looking for women, with a service based business like me, who want to work with me around using essential oils (and my other tools) in your work life. 

Could this be you? Or perhaps someone you know? 

I would not charge for this. 

The only cost would be to buy your first small set of essential oils through me (they range in price, but the set I'd recommend would be about $150). 

Then once per month, we'll meet virtually to discuss using essential oils and my other tools to help you feel focused, clear and confident in your business. 

The first half of the call will be about essential oil protocols for your business mindset, personal vitality and using them to help you show up consistently for the very things that move your business forward. 

The second half of the call will be about offering you free business coaching on integrating essential oils into your existing business so that you can begin creating a second, on-message income stream.

So to recap... 

As an active member of my doTERRA essential oil community, you'll have two options...

Option 1: 
You can join me once per month, for the first half of the call, if you just want to talk about essential oils and your mindset, mood and memory, and of course my other tools I mentioned, for staying focused, clear and courageous in business. I intend for this to feel simple, elegant and pleasurable addition to our work life. 

Option 2: If you do want to explore how to elegantly add a quiet essential oils income stream into your existing business, you are welcome to join me on the second half of the call, again at no charge, for free business coaching on this topic. 

The focus of this group will be not on doing more, but integrating this into your daily work habits, creating a new income stream into your existing business and sharing what's working. 

The monthly call will be on the first Tuesday morning of the month at 9:00am ET. And of course the recordings will be sent to you. 

I’ll also invite you to my private Facebook community where we share what’s working and what we’re learning about the oils in a community of like-minded friends, family and other women with a business.

You don't have to be an essential oils expert, I'm not. 

You can be curious, experiment and just follow my lead. 

Got questions? Email me!

If you're interested and joining me, here's what you do next. 

1. Click here enroll under my name here. 

If you reside outside of North America, use my ID # 6084087 when you register from this list of international doTERRA regions.

2. Click on "Join & Save"

If you know you'd like to explore adding essential oils as an income stream right away, join as a Wellness Advocate. 

If you're not sure yet, and want to spend a little time experimenting with essential oils before you bring them to your clients, then join as a "Wholesale Customer." You can always upgrade to Wellness Advocate later. (I make this super simple!)

If know you'd just want to casually gift a few friends, family and clients, join as a "Wholesale Customer" as well. 

3. Select an starter kit. (The company calls them “enrollment kits”)

Select anyone you like. I started with the Family Essentials Kit and Beadlets + ClaryCalm and Wild Orange.

You'll have an opportunity to "add on" the ClaryCalm (heavenly hormonal balancing!) and Wild Orange (this is an amazing mood shifter and day brightener and is like YES energy in a bottle). 

If you don't have a diffuser, then I recommend the "Aromatouch Diffused Kit". This comes with an essential oil diffuser, the 3 essential oils you must have for your workday and more, and you’ll also receive the most oils at the best price this way.

I'll be showing you how I use these to help you feel clear, calm and courageous in your business. 

3. (TOTALLY OPTIONAL) Decide on setting up a monthly Loyalty Rewards Order (LRP

Skip this step if you don’t have plans to place a regular monthly order of one or more oils.

There is absolutely no obligation to continue buying any oils. Promise!

The monthly Loyalty Rewards Program is for those who want to earn the free product points or if you plan on building this into an income stream. If that’s not you, skip it!

4. Send me your receipt at karin@karinrozell.com and I'll add you to my Happy Little Practice doTERRA Facebook community and email list for our monthly community call on using essential oils for your business mindset, mood and memory. 

We'll start learning and working together on this. 

When you receive your first order, you and I will hop on the phone and we’ll have a private box opening “got my oils, now what?” session to help you use what you ordered in just the right way for you.

And like I mentioned, once per month I host a free community call on elevating your mindset, reducing anxiety and sleep issues so common for women in business and free business coaching for those who are considering adding this as a slow and steady income stream in their business.

That's pretty much it. 

It will be a relaxed journey of learning and working together. 

You in?



What made you Karin, decide to integrate this into your business?

At first it was personal: A family member started giving me oils to help me with my hormones, mood and my children's health. 

I found the oils to be very soothing and incredibly helpful to not only to my health, but to my surprise, my mindset. 

I'm very sensitive to scents, yet these seemed to make my work day and home life much more pleasant, focused and intentional. 

As a trained health and nutrition coach, I already used quite a few natural, plant based medicines in my day-to-day to help me feel clear, calm and confident while running a business that is full of uncertainty. 

Being a professional coach is a really great life. It comes with many perks. But it's not an easy-peasy one. It requires an A-game in your mindset and energy. 

And to be honest, I just enjoyed how feminine and powerful they made me feel. 

The scents lift my spirits, make me feel delightfully WOMAN and yet also powerful in that they bottom line help me get sh*^ done in a nurturing way. 

Bottom line: Applying or diffusing essential oils is like consciously changing my "state of mind", and this helps me live into the thoughts and actions I want to take in my life and work. And I'm certain they'll help my clients too. 

Why did you choose doTERRA over other brands?

After falling in love with their oils, I decided to try other oil brands (organic health food store kinds, the non MLM kinds that were well regarded, etc), and I just liked these so much better.

How did you get over the MLM creepiness factor?

Here's what I figured out: It's not doTERRA that’s creepy, it's the way the reps sell. 

It's like this: the average person snickers at the idea of life coaches, healers and other woo-woo sounding professionals who change lives for a living. 

Why? Because 80-90% of coaches, healers, practitioners, etc try to be all things to all people and it only makes their work sound vague, unbelievable and as a totally optional expense. 

The average coach, just like the typical MLM rep, tries to sell to anyone with a pulse. 

It's ALWAYS creepy to lead your business in this way, no matter what you "sell." 

I don't teach that and will encourage you to avoid that approach at all costs. 

How we bypass all of this is a) focusing your message so you don't speak in ineffective generalities b) specialize your practice on solving ONE major life or business problem c) choose ONE tribe of real people to specialize in helping at a premium price point instead of trying to be all things to all people. 

We'll do the same thing with the essential oils. 

How do essential oils help me and my business?

1. Your mindset - Your mindset needs nurturing EACH DAY. Not once a week, not when you're in the funk, not when you remember. But each and every day. I have come to call this your Golden Hour Primer. (More on this if you're new to me!) You'll need about 15 min, most every day, to tidy up your mind and organize your thoughts before you start your work day. Essential oils work with your limbic system, which closely impacts your mind, mood and memory, which naturally influences your mindset. (For you researchers, you can geek out on this.)

2. Your personal foundation - You MUST have good sleep, good nutrition, good self-nurturing and more if you're going to have what it takes to continue to rise up in the face of uncertainty and plenty of new things to learn each year. It's infinitely easier if your personal foundation is strong. Your personal foundation, like the foundation of your home. It holds up the entire house. Same deal for your business. Except the personal foundation of your business is YOU. Help yourself feel strong, smart and capable by using essential oils, and other rejuvenating tools, so that you can show up for your business clearly and consistently. 

3. Your income - You'll start using the oils and they'll work their magic on your mindset and you and your family's personal foundation. You'll naturally want to share this tool with clients and friends. That's pretty much what happens to everyone, as doTERRA has a 65% retention rate. One of the things I teach my clients is to claim everything they do. Most coaches, consultants and practitioners informally use essential oils here and there. Starting using them intentionally, start sharing them intentionally. The average focused doTERRA rep takes two years to replace or supplement their income in a significant way. Start now. Slow and steady makes this totally doable. 

4. The compound effect - The compound effect is this: small choices + consistency + time = significant results. In a world that highlights fast and easy results, this addition to your business can be taken on with maturity, steady action and with an eye on letting the compound effect take hold in your business over time. I'll be encouraging you to see this as an ON MESSAGE revenue stream and will be coaching you to make sure you specialize in your doTERRA messaging. This will ensure you don't sound like every doTERRA rep that is trying to push oils on anyone with a pulse. No, we'll zig where they zag, we'll be specialists and do this the Happy Little Practice Way. 

5. Diversified Assets - Aside from investments, I've been mulling over ways to create income outside of my services. I have two solid ideas. One of them is integrating essential oils and creating residual income that will pay off for years to come, while still making a difference and helping others. I have another 20 years until retirement age. I think this gives me plenty of time to create a new essential oil income stream within my business. And I think you can do this too. I'll be sharing my thinking with my doTERRA community so you too can think ahead for your retirement, making money outside of your services, by multiplying your efforts with your own client base.

What can I expect from you, as my doTERRA mentor?

Who you sign up with matters. You will not be able to switch uplines. So choose wisely. (People have been asking if they can switch to my team, and unfortunately, I've had to say no.) 

I specialize in working with women who have a family and a business, and want to earn a great living working fewer then full-time hours with their service based, small business. 

I bring 18+ years of business and marketing expertise, backed with a solid knowledge of health sciences and brain-based transformative mindset coaching. I get coaches, consultants and practitioners: their business AND their expertise. 

I also bring a "small, but mighty" approach to business. We won't be excessively striving or rushing.  

Our Happy Little Practice doTERRA community will meet monthly via a virtual tele-conference line.

The first half we'll leverage each other's specialties and together we'll create a playbook of what helps us feel our best, think our best and do our best. 

I'll be calling on you to share what's working for you, what you're learning and I'll systemically start sharing my own "behind the scenes" of the personal foundation of my business. 

The second half of the call, we will dedicate to business coaching on integrating essential oils into your business. This part is optional.  

Who is my upline? 

"Upline" is nerdy doTERRA talk for who is on your “team” that is above you in the ranks of experience and volume of sales. 

I'll be your direct upline. 

My own direct upline is a 7 figure coaching business owner and an old friend and colleague of mine. Whatever I learn from her, I'll gladly share with you. 

Her uplines are top ranking and earning doTERRA pros who have also integrated essential oils in their private practice in the health and personal development fields. 

All people who know and understand our type of business. 

I chose this upline very deliberately. No flakes, no quitters, no “half in/half out” or disappearing uplines. We’re all in this for the long game.

I keep my doTERRA mentoring aligned with the Happy Little Practice Method that marries ultimate simplicity, with a focus on creating deep peace and plenty. 

What's expected of me? 

1) Show up for most monthly team meetings and be prepared to share what's working for you, and be willing to experiment with essential oils. 

We'll meet the first Tuesdays of the month at 9am ET. Recordings will be sent to our community, if you have to miss one. 

If I can't make a call, I’ll be asking one someone who’s actively integrating this in their own business to lead the call. A true team effort.

2) Tell me if/when you want to build this into your business. 

You and I can hop on the phone and map out a strategic plan that fits into what you’re already doing.

3) If you don't want to add this into your business, but just want to explore and order oils for yourself, that's perfect too. 

If you’re brand new to essential oils, experimenting with them for 90 days is a lovely way to start.

4) Google your Q's first, before you email me. 

Be resourceful. If you have a Q, always come to me without at least a wild guess of how to answer your question. (You'll find you know more than you think you do!) Bring your additional Q's to the monthly team meeting. 

We'll take it from there!

We start community calls on the first Tuesdays of the month at 9am ET. 

You in? 

Can I talk with you about this idea and my business? 

Yes! If you're serious about doing this, but want to go slow, then join as a Wholesale Customer and reach out to me when you're ready to start integrating into your business as an income stream.

If you have other questions and concerns, let's talk about it, okay? Book a time to talk here. 


P.S. Found a typo? They are my free gift to you. Or help me out and show me where. ;)