Marketing in One Hour Per Day - Workshop

Marketing in One Hour Per Day Mini-Workshop #happylittlepractice over an image of a green artisan mug and silver laptop open to a webinar screen shot of people on a zoom meeting

Marketing in One Hour Per Day

A Happy Little Practice Mini-Workshop

Want to learn the daily marketing practice we rely on in Happy Little Practice?

We call it the Golden Hour, but you can call it whatever you like.

It takes about an hour per day, it relies only on two strategies, and it’s absolutely flexible.

You can use this framework for whatever marketing strategy appeals to you - speaking, networking, writing, joint ventures, advertising or public relations - be it digital, offline or a combination.

You can use this framework for starting your private practice, reactivating a dormant business or simply to refresh, simplify and refocus what what you’re doing in your marketing.

In this 60-min video, you will learn a core success practice that helps you create new leads, clients and opportunities coming your way.

You will leave understanding how to apply this INCLUDING up to two, crystal clear ideas to implement in your daily marketing practice. 

The video training will also include 30 minutes of your "marketing in one hour per day" questions during the Q&A portion of the workshop.

There will be no long-winded introductions.

There will be nothing for sale.

We will simply get to work and I will teach you one of the core Happy Little Practice marketing routines for success. 

This video will not be a learn and learn and learn experience. 

You will have time during the training to workshop what you learn and leave with a simple plan that creates focus and simplicity in your marketing. 

Register for $25.


PS - Who is this for? I teach you the mindset and practical nuts and bolts of how to radically simplify your marketing in one per day. This is for solopreneurs, coaches, consultants and practitioners who like the Happy Little Practice Method

PPS - Who is this NOT for?
If you can't focus or get anything done, prob not for you. You need a baseline of "get er done" spirit to succeed in private practice and coaching. Also, a sense of humor is required because sometimes I am silly, lovingly direct and I like to laugh while doing hard things like marketing a small business. It really helps grease the wheels!

Solstice + Legal Love

An image of a small bouquet of pink flowers on a wooden desk with a white journal and pink pen with the words Legal Love and #happylittlepractice overlayed in black font

Summer plans and getting your legal stuff handled

Summer is like the winter holidays for women. 

There is a lot of EXTRA organizing, doing and traveling while simultaneously wanting to do less. 

Over the years, I've been experimenting on how to do summers with a family life and running a business. 

Last year, I was traveling over the summer and one thing that helped me was repurposing my best articles and sending them to my email list, instead of coming up with new content during a busy season. 

I loved it! 

I loved the ease, the peace of mind and my open rates even improved.

This summer, I'm doing a combination.

1) I'll share some of my best articles of the past year

2) I'll share some of the exciting things my clients are up to to help celebrate their progress and calling it my “summer of client love.”

Both will require less thinky-thinking and creative work on my part, and both will be valuable to you as you see examples of what's possible, sprinkled with some of my own little nuggets of wisdom. (Maybe something like this could work for your keep in touch plans?)

I'm kicking this off by introducing you to someone new. 

I'd like you to meet a woman who has turned all the legal matters of running a business, for coaches, consultants and practitioners, into what she calls Legal Love

Lisa Fraley is a lawyer turned Legal Coach who specializes in helping people like you and I, get their legal ducks in order.

She has the most affordable and accessible solutions and I can't wait for you to get to know her. 

Listen to this 25-minute audio interview where I ask Lisa to tell us how to get out of dread and overwhelm of handling the legal stuff. 

She did more than that!

Lisa mapped out a 7-step process, for EVERY stage of business, that I must say, brought me such a sense of ease and relief. 

So if you're just starting out, or have been at it for over two decades like me, I promise you will find this interview enlightening, educational and kinda fun too. 

Things we covered...

  • How to start protecting your legal assets (so simple!)

  • Why updating your legal matters helps attract MORE clients

  • What you can skip in your legal set up and save for later (This was a relief!)

  • What the chakras have to do with the legalities of your business (It makes perfect sense if you have even just a tiny bit of spirituality in you)

  • Friendly reframes that will help you look forward to setting your business up right, instead of dreading it. 

And lots more. 

Have a listen and take this audio replay with you on-the-go

And then go grab one of her many free resources on her website, including an upcoming free class on things to look out for when using AI in your business. 

Hope you find this useful!


PS - I have 2 spots left for private clients this summer, so reach out if you'd like a marketing and mindset business partner on your side. I can help you find the right words to your message, the right structure for a simple and profitable practice and even the right marketing and mindset to see your ideas through. Schedule an appointment and let's chat -> 

The Summer Project Challenge

Time for a summer project challenge, Happy Little Practice style!

What’s a summer project challenge?

It’s when you pick something fun and invigorating to work on during the summer in your private practice or boutique business, that has you ending the season satisfied and on track for a powerful fall.


It could be starting or upgrading your marketing practice, in one hour per day…

Creating a new website or refreshing your website…

Updating all of your testimonials to really showcase your expertise…

Reactivating a dormant professional network and starting a referral marketing engine…

Creating a signature talk and filling your fall and winter schedule with events that will generate new and wonderful clients for you…

Or it could be starting and finishing a special project that you have ignored but really, really want to do…

And of course, it can be just having a bold money goal and making it a fun game for the summer that keeps you in business.

Or something else!

Whatever you decide on, all you in need Happy Little Practice, is one hour per day to get it done.

Join me for 90 days of a fun and focusing Summer Project Challenge for Coaches, Consultants and Practitioners

We start June 5th. (It’s not too late to join! Doors open until July 15th.)

Here are the details and what we would do together:

#1 - Focus - You will decide on a summer project goal that makes you feel alive and awake in your business.

This can be three, short series of 30 day goals or one 90 day goal. Don’t worry, I can help you decide.  

#2 - Strategy - You will choose a simple strategy for meeting your goal that fits your stage of business and summer plans. I will help you do this too.

#3 - Structure  - You will decide on a simple, practical structure for your day that will help you get this done, and work around your summer vacation plans, in about ONE HOUR PER DAY.

A little structure in your day creates mental freedom, satisfaction and steady progress and you don't even have to do it perfectly.

#4 - Skills - I will help you get better in your marketing and entrepreneurial mindset skills with specific techniques, strategies and ideas to implement.

Imagine if your softball coach just offers words of encouragement but doesn't tell you how to fix your swing. Not good. I will always be ready to provide something specific to tinker with and do differently, each time you and I talk.  The trick? You must go try it, not just think about it. Learn and do is how we do things.

#5 - Setbacks - You will face setbacks and this is totally normal.

This time, you're going to practice not taking it so personally by bringing your questions and challenges to me and I'll teach you how to think on your feet and adjust your plan with creativity and a spirit of service. 

Here’s how I'll help you see this through...

You’ll essentially receive a 90 day membership into the Happy Little Practice Club - perfect if you want a season of support or want to try out my sweet little community of marketing and mindset coaching.

This includes:

One Private, Kick-Off Session with me to help you make a decision on your Summer Project Challenge and feel fun and focusing around your business.

Weekly Monday Marketing and Mindset Q&A  - We meet 3 Mondays per month at 1pm ET (Usually the first three weeks of the month). The first meeting of the summer is June 5th.

One Monthly Q&A on Ironing Out the Hiccups of your Sales and Marketing Practice

Daily Progress, Not Perfection Q&A in our private Slack Channel - Share what's working and request quick feedback from myself and club members. Pop in once or twice per week, or daily - up to you!

Vacation plans will be blocked off, and you'll work with what you have left so that you can truly enjoy summer and get it done too (instead of thinking you SHOULD be doing more!)

Important Insight: Marketing is a lagging indicator. Meaning what you do now often pays off in 3 to 6 months. So if you want to set yourself up for a powerful fall, start now. 

Want in?

We began June 5th and you are welcome to join us until July 15th!

The investment: 

Option 1 - Full Pay:
For 90 days of coaching, feedback and direction in the Happy Little Practice Club on your summer project challenge, marketing practice and entrepreneurial mindset skill it is $1200.

Option 2 - Add Private Coaching: Add 3, monthly private sessions with me, for a total $2,500. Expires end of July 2023.

All options come with a private, one-hour Business Breakthrough Session with me to help you focus your message, marketing and mindset and map out a simple summer project plan that fits you and includes a full access to the Happy Little Practice Club resources.

We'll wrap up 90 days from your date of enrollment, with end of summer prizes for your business. 

If you like the club -- > the practical, the community, the simplicity and the easy laughs we have, then you can continue in the club, if you like (your choice!). If you're all set, that's good too. 

To join requires a bit of an application process to ensure you and I have a shot at doing good work together. 

You can apply by appointment here, or simply email me with why you want to experiment with the Happy Little Practice Method for a season (90 days) and any Qs that you have. 

In full transparency, this may be a one-time offer as I experiment with making the Club accessible and effective for members.

Questions? Just email me or book a time here to see if this is for you.


Podcast: Unlocking the Power of Minimalism in a Service Business

Check out this short and sweet interview on Dr. Destini Copp’s Course Creators MBA podcast.

We discussed…

How I went from chasing the big time (and thinking that was the only way) to finding my own way in business

The three essential principals of the Happy Little Practice Method that make up the small is the new big philosophy (and a few practical ways you can begin)

What type of professional is best served by this approach - it’s less about profession and more about values and preferences.

How you can break up with chasing the big time in your marketing (translation: juggling too many strategies ineffectively and trying to be a famous) and radically simplify by getting good at just TWO strategies (including an example)

A contemplative action step to help you make business decisions that work best for you.

And no, you don’t have to become a minimalist to enjoy this episode or succeed in Happy Little Practice.

Although you may want to become one in your business.

Have a listen here!

Want more help with this?

Check out the Happy Little Practice Club here or reach out for private coaching and let’s see if I can help.


PS - There’s a free gift link to one of my books in the show notes of this episode. Check it out!

Feeling Wobbly in Business? Part 1

Feeling Wobbly? Over a picture of a winter forest followed by #happylittlepractice

Ever feel wobbly in your business?

It can happen when you're being bold and doing new things in private practice, and also when you are having a hard time. 

I describe "the wobblies" as feeling uncertain, doubtful and sometimes outright shaking in your boots while doing something new.

I quite literally feel shaky sometimes when I'm in this place.

Especially when I'm experiencing a crisis of confidence. 

Whether you're being brave and bold or you're navigating a dark night of the soul in business, feeling wobbly happens.

Here's how I deal with this - Part 1 (Part 2 next week.)

First, it helps to know that THIS IS NORMAL.

For YEARS, I thought feeling wobbly meant "success in business was not for me."

I used it as evidence AGAINST myself. 

I doubled down on my stinkin' thinkin' when it happened. 

My thoughts would become dramatic, I'd eat lots of cookies and I would secretly search for a job that I had no intention of applying for. 

After 20 years of running my own little business, I have developed a knack for seeing my way through this. 

Here's the first thing that helped: I read memoirs about successful people, studied with famous mentors who make millions per month, and with mentors who have quiet, 6-figure and multi-6 fig businesses - and guess what? 

They ALL experience feeling wobbly from time to time. No exception. 

This helped me realize that feeling wobbly is part of the landscape of going for it in your private practice or small business.

No matter how big or small your business is, feeling wobbly happens, and it's okay. 

It's not a sign to turn back. 

Keep going. 

Second, feeling wobbly in business comes and goes - FOREVER AND EVER.

Great. Thanks, Karin.  Watch me unsubscribe now.

Wait! Hear me out. 

Feeling wobbly happens the first time you do something new like start charging a higher rate for your services.

Then, later on, when earning well is no biggie, it shows up when you try to do the next new thing.

This is a recurring thing that happens. It ebbs and flows. 

If not, you're probably coasting in your business. (Been there!)

The more you normalize feeling wobbly is not a "one and done" thing, the less it will mess with you. 


Third, consider feeling wobbly as a sign that you're changing (and not that something is wrong with you or your business). 

Change work - from fixing the nerdy external parts of your marketing, to the inner mindset work too - is funny business. 

One minute you're like "I've got this."

The next you're like "I know nothing and why is this hard!?" 

It's certainly like that for me. 

Here's another thing that helped: I've studied brain health and personal performance for business owners for years to help me and my clients show up and do the hard work. 

According to brain experts everywhere, feeling weird and wobbly is exactly what happens when your brain makes new neural pathways (aka you change).

Let it happen. 

TV, social media and magazines, only show you the before and after of success, and not so much the middle part of change where feeling wobbly lives.  

I'll leave you with this for now:

Feel wobbly = It's your brain and nervous system catching up with your vision. 

Feeling wobbly = You're changing and becoming who you want to become.

Feeling wobbly = It's part of the landscape of having your own business. 

Allow feeling wobbly in your business to be there without making yourself wrong.

Tell yourself, "Yes, I'm feeling wobbly and that's okay because I'm changing, learning new things and figuring things out." 

Next week, I'll write about what I do in addition to this way of thinking to get myself through feeling wobbly in business.

Stay tuned for part two!

Got questions?

Want coaching on your unique version of a Happy Little Practice?

I'd love to help!

Here are a few ways to work together:

1) Private Mindset and Marketing Coaching. Learn more here.

2) Join the Happy Little Practice Club - One full year of mindset and marketing coaching in a cozy community of think big, build small coaches, consultants, experts and physicians. Learn more here.

3) Come to my next, FREE open Q&A gathering on Friday, Feb 3rd at Noon ET and let's get to know each other. Bring your Qs about your mindset and your marketing and I'll pitch in, #happylittlepractice style. Click here to register.

Success Story to Inspire You

I was ready to start my own boutique practice as a clinical pharmacist and health coach. I had the bones and professional experience but had no clue how to create the business. I was jumping all in and needed this to be effective quickly. 3 months. 3 months of working with Karin and I had a functioning and thriving business. It still seems unreal. It's not. It's real. - Kalin Johnson, PharmD,

Thanks for reading, friends!


If you haven't already, watch my signature intro class all about the Happy Little Practice Method here.