No one will pay for this! That's what she thought!

As you head into the New Year, I thought to share a client story as everyone faces this income blocker.

Check out what my client Judith shared…

From thinking no one will pay me this much, to everyone is paying me this much.

Before hiring Karin, I knew I was ready to earn more for my family. My husband was making a career shift and it was my turn to lead. I had tried for years to raise my income, but it always seem to involve working more or harder. I needed a new way of doing business that was uncomplicated and doable.

I also had a busy (too busy!) yoga studio and private fitness training business and wasn't sure how I was going to pull off adding coaching into my business.

I had been following Karin's emails and attending her classes, so I had a good idea what was in store for me. But still, if I’m honest, I was thinking that no one is going to buy the kind of coaching I wanted to offer.

None-the-less, we set to work carving out a fresh, compelling message from the many ideas I had. I was in my busy season and had just a few hours a week to work on this at best. I also started to be in regular communication with my students in new ways that quite frankly, shocked me how well it worked.

The long and short of it is, within 6 months of working with Karin, not only did I see a complete return on my investment in my business, but I have been surprised and delighted that new coaching clients have paid me in full for a coaching program of my design.

My favorite part of doing this work is how valuable it was to learn how to market my ideas and breaking free of charging by the hour. Karin’s process makes it very clear how to turn an idea into a compelling service offering that people want to pay you for. Our conversations about mindset also helped me think about myself, my income and my business in new ways too!

And now, I have a simple, doable plan to continue sharing my new offer with others. No more wondering what to do next or how to do it. No more charging by the hour. No more staying in my head. I’ve done it and I can keep doing it.

Judith Wonacott

Elk Rapids, WI

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Karin Rozell
Author, Speaker and Small Business Coach for Companies of One

Creator of the Happy Little Practice Method