Coaching is Visual

Hi Friend,

For years, I used only a phone line -- as in 20+ years - to coach my clients.

As an empath and highly sensitive professional, I have more than enough info from someone's voice.

But with the pandemic and boom of Zoom use, I felt a bit out of date for not making the switch.

I was hesitant to start using Zoom, mostly because I've seen coaches use Zoom without too much attention to their appearance, background and environment they presented, and to their detriment.

And on top of this, my kids have been home since April 2020, and it was kinda like having two new, tiny co-workers around who goofed off.

Never-the-less, I invited my clients to Zoom coaching calls, gave them a fair warning that sometimes my kids may make a cameo (it's rare but it did happen), and you know what?

Boy, was I wrong about holding out.

A whole new field of information came flooding into my coaching relationships.

Things like...

Oh, is this where you see clients from? We need to do something about that.

Oh, dang, we need to do something about your clothing.

Oh, you look VERY different from your website pictures, so let's discuss this.

Essentially, integrating Zoom into my coaching showed me where some of my clients (and myself, to be perfectly honest) were hiding out.

Coaching is a visual field.

While you certainly don't need Zoom or video to coach, the nature of coaching requires showing your face (at least some of the time) to build the know, like and trust factor.

One way you do this is with your pictures on social media (if you use that), your website, your presentations and how you show up for your sessions with clients.

Coaches generally confuse having pictures taken with fancy branding shots and looking gorgeous and youthful.

I PROMISE: That. Is. Not. Required.

In fact, I can show you how looking like yourself NOW, even with extra weight, wrinkles and more, can be an asset to your business.


I plan on hosting an informal teaching about your business pictures at my next Happy Little Practice Community Q&A, Friday, August 13th. Register for free here.

I promise it will be a breath of fresh air and not at all about achieving perfection.

And I'll show you what to do to help you navigate getting new pics when you feel anything but awesome.

In the meantime, I've started to make a short list of what works and what doesn't with your imagery to help you with this, in no particular order.

Doesn't Work: Glamour Shots - unless you're going to show up glamorous in your coaching sessions and it matches your message, it's intimidating and looks extreme.

Works Well: Professional photos that mirror how you show up in sessions, exude warmth, approachability and your unique vibe.

Doesn't Work: Branding photo shoots that you pay in the thousands to create the perfect "look" that totally defines who you are, while wearing clothing and makeup that you would never wear in your coaching sessions. (This can work, but not if you don't look like that in your sessions.)

Works Well: Affordable, regularly updated photos - one location, only one outfit that brings out or complements your eyes. Your eyes are the window to your soul and focusing on your eyes creates trust. Wrinkles, weight fluxes and all.

Doesn't Work: Trying to copy what multi-million dollar coaches do with their images: celebrity and the lifestyle of the rich and famous, when that's not who you are.

Works Well: Zig where they zag. What about your life is different or attractive to you and possibly your clients? IE I live in the country, my colleagues are rich, city gals (that I admire). I share images of the life of a coach, who lives in the country, and lives richly without being rich.

Doesn't Work: Show up for your sessions rushed and barely on time, or in workout clothing for your sessions, without telling your clients that's how you show up.

Works Well: Dress up a bit for your coaching sessions -- whatever your version of that is. That may be a put-together workout outfit if you're a fitness pro, or rotating a handful of artsy-business casual-meets-mom life outfits (me), wearing a good quality t-shirt in your color with your favorite necklace, or wearing one signature outfit (yes, you can do this and it's rather calming to clients. My husband does this -- he wears one style of Kuhl brand shirts in a variety of his colors).

Doesn't Work: Feeling like style, your hair, and clothing aren't important because that's not what you value or you're above this.

Works Well: Understand that this isn't about high-fashion or being trendy, but showing respect to your profession and your client, and looking trustworthy. So resolve to upgrade this area if you plan on coaching for a living.

Doesn't Work: Not getting photos because you don't like the way you look right now.

Works Well: Think Think affordable, regularly updated photos, that flow with how you look, every few years vs the perfect look. Start with just wearing your colors -- you'll immediately feel better, promise!

Doesn't Work: Thinking because you have no money, or too much going on, that you can't even begin to think about your image now.

Works Well: I promise, giving a little love in this area will actually GIVE you energy in the form of just feeling brighter, better, more confident, even reducing burnout. AND it will also benefit you in the form of income. Here are some ideas...

  • Study thrift shopping at upscale thrift shops or get yourself to -- it's an art and science and can be really fun.

  • Decide to mend your clothing artfully for an artistic, unique style. I once attended a presentation where the famous author had his sweater visibly mended in this style, and far from detracting from his professionalism, it was a match to his books’ ethos.

  • Target has a new line of sustainable clothing and some fun and put-together summer dresses that I love wearing with my best jewelry (yes, I love designers and Target).

  • Ask a friend who has an iPhone and an eye for photography, to take some shots until you find one or two you like.

I could go on!

With my clients, I get into this with them as we put together their website (or redesign their website) so they don't have to figure this out on their own.

I have found it is a huge relief, sometimes even tears of joy (and yes, sometimes resistance), but it is transformational when you begin to embody your style, your colors and can show up visually with confidence.

And contrary to belief, fashion, age or your weight have nothing to do with it.

Want help with this? It's part of what I do in my private business coaching. Apply here.

Or come to my next community gathering, Friday, August 13th, for Q&A on the Happy Little Practice way of doing business and we'll discuss this further. Register here for free.

Hope this is helpful!
