How to Follow-Up After Your Initial Consultation

My first business coach, Fabienne Fredrickson, shared this simple, yet powerful strategy with me many years ago and now I’ll share it with you. When you follow-up with a potential client (or opportunity), it needs to be all about them. Not you. Wellness professionals unknowingly make the mistake of following-up with an email message that is all about their experience, their program and the process of working with them. This doesn’t create connection or action for your client.

In my “drafts” folder of Outlook, I keep a very simple follow-up email that I tailor to each client situation for authenticity, warmth and taking a stand for what I know is possible for them. And I send this email immediately after having an initial consultation.

I use this type of email script in two different situations:

1) Clients who have just signed up for one of my packages.

I like to “re-enroll” my new clients and reassure them that the big chunk of money they just put down will bring them the results they desire.

I do this by sending a “welcome” message, (and this is the really important part) reiterating the top 5-10 things they can look forward to in our work together. This list is gleaned from listening to them in my preliminary consultation.

This will help them review what they signed up for, give their brains something to chew on (and thus help them relax) and soothe their nerves around taking a big step forward in their business (or in the case of your business, their wellness).

This is also something they can easily print out and show their partner/husband who’s wondering what they just spent money on. It’s written in “results oriented language” so their partner can see what they’re going to get, too.

Here’s an example of this:

Hi Jenny,

I’m thrilled that you’re in my schedule for March and can’t wait to get started on creating your unique message and materials.

I love doing this work – I admit it, I’m a total marketing geek and find this work FUN.  :)

Based on our preliminary conversation, here are some things you can look forward to: (I’ll write this part with words and concerns they expressed in our conversation)

-   All the marketing materials you need to launch your business big time including

-    Identifying a profitable, enjoyable niche for you to serve and finally getting clear what you do and for whom

-   Organizing your ideas into programs and products that not only  help others, but make you money

-   Pricing your services so it's easier to hire you and understanding how to charge what you're services are worth

-   Designing a clear focus and direction in your business that speaks to who you are and what you’re about

- Understanding how to use your new materials to give you a new level of confidence in how you present yourself (giving that fraud factor a swift kick out the door)

-   Simple, practical strategies for using your new materials that creates ease in how you work and attracts new clients and business growing opportunities

-     and a lot more for sure!

Jenny, I’m ready and can’t wait to talk with you in the Spring! (What a nice way to go through the holidays, knowing you got this handled!)

If questions pop up before then, just contact me.

Until then,


PS – Attached are two forms outlining the program you chose and the details of working together.

(By the way, I'd also send a little welcome card in the mail too, to make them feel extra special.)

2) Clients who need a few days to think about it.

About half of these clients will sign up and the other half are simply not ready to invest in themselves for one reason or another. In any case, I do the same thing with these potential clients.

I send them an “it was nice to chat with you today” and “here’s what I understand you’re looking to achieve” and then I list a 5 -10 specific goals they shared with me in their first consultation that I can solve for them and, (and here’s the really important part) the benefits they can expect to experience as a result of achieving these goals.

The only time I do not send this is when I don’t want to work with a client after speaking with them or I didn’t get a strong sense that they were ready to move forward (I don’t like to convince people).

Hi again Jane!

I’m glad we had an opportunity to talk today. I enjoyed getting to know you and about your business vision.

Based on our conversation, here’s what I understand you’d like to accomplish: (I’ll write this part with words and concerns they expressed in our conversation)

-   outline a super clear idea of what you do, who you do it for and for how much

-   create content on your website that reflects this clearly, powerfully and in your own style

-   relax knowing you also have content to put into a media kit to begin presenting yourself as the expert you are

-   feel ready to go by having clear, profitable programs & packages that sell themselves

-  create a clear approach or "signature system" to your work that you can stand behind that helps you distinguish your services from others

-   design a clear message and business identity that expresses your work effectively  and authentically

-   and quite a few more perks!

I’m ready when you are Jane. I love creating a unique message for my clients. It's a fascinating process of gaining clarity, renewed confidence and a whole new level of prestige.

Let me know if you have any further questions or need any clarifications. If you’d like to move forward, then we can start on the 20th. Otherwise, I look forward to connecting next Wednesday. (Set a follow-up date where they call YOU back in the following week)

Talk with you soon!


In both cases, my clients feel understood and know that I have a grasp of what’s going on for them and what they want to achieve. By the way, you can also use this format for following-up with potential speaking engagements.

I hope this is helpful! Consider taking these two scripts and adapting them to your practice.

It's such a simple thing but it really works! It's just one of the super, simple systems I use, again and again, right after my initial consultation.


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners using the power of authentic marketing strategies. In 2009, she expanded her private practice and launched The Wellness Professional Network as the go-to place for practitioners to learn about making more money doing what they love.  Karin lives in Upstate New York and works from home with her husband and baby boy.