Inspiring TV: Facing the Fear of "Getting Out There"


I started watching the HBO series "John Adams" the other day. Have you seen it? It’s really great.

One scene in particular really made me think about wellness pros…

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Ben Franklin are sitting around, tossing around words, ideas and editing the draft of the United States Constitution that Jefferson put together.

It struck me that they were people like you and I, with an idea, a finger on the pulse of what their neighbors wanted, and the guts to put their thoughts to paper.

Then they summoned the nerve to visit the Big Kahuna of their time, the King of England (who was not at all happy with them), and pretty much said “Yeah, we’re gonna do our own thing.”

Seeing this powerful history re-enacted reminded me of how professionals in private practice go through a similar process.

You notice a trend. Get an idea. Put your ideas on a website. And then go tell people about it.

Sometimes people scoff and laugh at you.

Most times you’re shaking in your boots about really going for it.

But you do it anyways.

All of this made me wonder…

If a bunch of people got together and summoned the nerve to start their own country and tell the most powerful man of their time to beat it, well, couldn’t I summon the nerve to take my next step in my business goals?

I mean really.

Putting up a new website can’t really be that terrifying, when you compare it to starting your own country. :)

Puts it all in perspective, doesn't it?

Here’s to ALL of us taking our next shaking-in-our-boots step.


So maybe you don't have Thomas Jefferson and George Washington on your side. Coach with me and you'll see for yourself what it's like to put yourself in an environment that pulls you forward.

I'm looking for a few good women: you're eager to get going, you want to define success for yourself, you view our time together as absolutely sacred, and you see yourself as capable (though you might be nervous about it!).

Special invitation with summer holiday savings expires Sept 1st, 2013 or when the only 5 spots available are taken, whichever comes first. Your application is here.





Get in the Water: How Being in Biz for Yourself is Like Jumping in a Lake

My work with wellness pros is a lot like gettinginto the lake for a swim.

Some people, like me, need to put their toes in, sit on the side of the dock and let their feet adjust to the water for awhile, and then they get in.

My husband jumps right in, trusting that his body will adjust to the temperature and the temporary discomfort of the chilly water is well worth the fun he will have.

The problem is, this “sitting on the dock and thinking about getting in the water” often starts to paralyze me.

My mind starts telling me things like…

“I think it’s too cold for me…”

“Drew has a different body type, that’s why he can jump right in…”

“I don’t want to be cold…”

“I hate being cold…”

“I’m going to wait until it gets warmer…”

“Maybe I’ll go in tomorrow…”

“Maybe it’s fine if I just hang out on the dock… yeah, that’s what’ll I do…”

And it just gets worse and worse and I get more and more nervous that everyone is in the water but me, having a great time and until finally, I can’t stand the emotional roller coaster I put myself on, and so I jump in.

I screech for 30 seconds and then I have a blast too.

This summer, I decided to do things differently.

I remembered what one of my first mentors, Joshua Rosenthal, told me.

He said, “When you’re spinning wheels, up there in your mind, try doing the opposite of what you brain tells you to do.”

So this year, I started jumping right into the lake.

(We rented a lake house over the summer – a dream come true! And I didn’t want to stress over getting in the water each day. I know, so lame.)

As it turns out, jumping right in, was WAY MORE FUN.


And I started thinking, where else do I allow my nerves to hold me hostage?

This is a lot like being a wellness pro and taking your biz seriously.

You can sit on the sidelines telling yourself all the reasons why you should maintain status quo.

Why you should wait another year…

Why now is not the right time to invest in yourself…

And the more you think about it, the more reasons you come up for not going for it.

Basically, instead of getting really good at the business skills you need to thrive, you become quite adept at building a case for your limitations.

This is your invitation to get in the water.

I’m not going to goad you to get in.

You either want to or you don’t.

(I work best with people who are willing to jump in and start swimming.)

I’ll show you what to do, how to do it and what to do next, once you’re in the water.

But if you don’t get in, I can’t help you and your business thrive in the year ahead.

Get in the water.

(Or I might splash you a bit.)


6 spots left in Rockstars 2012

We start in January.

If you need to download the info and application again, go here:

Your swim instructor, :)


PS – Remember, this program is by application only.

Why? I want to make sure you’re going to get into the water once I start working with you.

It’s cool if you’re nervous about it. I’ll coach you through it. But you gotta get wet.


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.


9 Mindset Secrets to Writing AND Publishing a Book

Since my husband and I lead a free call on Writing and Publishing Your Book in 90 Days, it's clear to us that writing a book is a dream for many wellness pros… However, if you want to move dreaming about a book to holding a copy in your hands in a few months from now, there’s some things you need to do.

After the call, we’ve had the opportunity to connect with many self-employed wellness pros, coaches, consultants and other service based biz owners, and hear your thoughts and questions about our book writing program that begins in 15 days.

If you really want to become an author (and bring much more money into your business), then please read the rest of this post.

We’re going to address your questions (and fears!) and everything we’ve been hearing from you.

Many of which will create a mindset shift on what it takes to write a book AND get it published FAST.

Check it out…

(By the way, here’s the link to join us and access our free call recording:


 1)    Am I really ready to write a book?

You’re as ready as you will ever be to write a book.

What if I put it to you this way?

Are you really ready to write that blog post? Think about it. While the notion of having to get super-prepared to write a blog post seems a bit silly, (of course you can write a blog post), that is essentially what you are doing when you write your book.

In either case, you’re just sharing an idea.

In the case of your book, you’re just going to go deep and expand on the one idea a bit more.


2)    I’m not sure I know enough.  

I’ve noticed that for lots of people who are in the business of helping others for a living, as much as they’d like to be seen (and paid!) like an expert, they are waiting around for someone or some big opportunity to come knocking on their door and anoint them.

Here’s the reality:

You are already an expert in something. You already have something valuable to share. No one is ever going to perceive you as an expert until you step into this role yourself.

The most powerful way we know to do this?

Write and publish a book!




3)    I know TOO much. How can I possibly put it ALL into ONE book?

I hear you. However, I want you to know, the reason this feels overwhelming, that is, the idea of finally becoming an author (a real author with your OWN book) and getting your book done QUICKLY, is because you're thinking about book writing in the wrong way.

The wrong way (at least for biz owners) is to put everything you know, or try to, into a tome of a book that you can be proud of.

The downside of that is...

- no one reads big books any more (who has time!?)

- creating a book in that way takes FOREVER, if it ever gets done (keeping you as the best kept secret in town)

- and trying to share EVERYTHING you know in one book, is incredibly paralyzing

We want you to pick a topic, just a small chunk of what you know (the part that is wildly interesting to your tribe).

This will ensure that your book topic and title invites people to pick it up, read it and get a sense of accomplishment from easily finishing it.

And (this is the most important part) we want your book to inspire your readers to take a specific action. IE - call you to become a client, join your membership club, buy more stuff from you, whatever you want.

That's what happened to Drew just the other day.

A guy from across the country read his book, booked a coaching day (for several thousand dollars) and now is deciding between a 10K-20K coaching contract.

Cool, huh?

So relax, you don’t need to share everything you know. Whew!

We’re going to show you how to do this.


4)    How do I know what topic to choose? What if I pick the wrong topic?

After the call, we got lots of messages from people thanking us, telling us that they we’re ready to write their books on their own without joining the program.

A few shared their book topic, title and ideas. While we applaud their enthusiasm, if we had to bet, if they indeed write these books they will end up feeling very disappointed because they were going to write on topics/titles that few people would be interested in.

In other words, while these folks have great ideas, understanding the best way to present your ideas is what determines a successful outcome from a disappointing one.

Please read that last sentence again. It can make or break your book’s success.

Again, you need to choose the RIGHT topic! (We will show you how!)

In fact, in order to ensure you DO pick the right topic, we decided to give EVERYONE in this program a private book coaching session with Drew.

In about 30 minutes or less, Drew will help you nail down your topic, title and/or outline.

Yep, he’s that good at it.

We’re clearing Drew’s schedule for November to make sure you’ve got this down BEFORE the Thanksgiving holiday.

In light of this we're limiting the program to 20 people.




5)    Who do I think I am? I’ve read the expert type books. I’m no Deepak, Wayne or other ENTER NAME OF GURU YOU ADMIRE.

Here are a few things to remember when this comes up…

Just because those experts have a book does not make them smarter than you. Or wiser than you.

It just means they made a very smart decision to write a book.

And what you probably don’t know is that in almost ALL cases, they weren’t well known BEFORE they wrote the book. (Read that again!)

Also understand that every expert (who gets paid well) has a book.

Stop and think about this for a second.

Think about the person in your field that you most admire,  respect, and consider really successful.

Does this person have a book? Of course they do.

Guess what?

For you to get where you want to go, at some point, you’re going to need a book.

Start now.

We’re going to take you through this process and guide you every step of the way.




6)    I’m not sure how writing my book will make me money, beyond selling copies of the book.

If you want to be wildly successful in your field, you need to understand the following point. (If you do not wish to be wildly successful , you can stop reading this now).

A book is really just the beginning…

When you write your book in the right way, it will require you to start thinking differently.

(This is what our program is REALLY about, by the way!)

Specifically, thinking like a successful entrepreneur. One who leverages their time, energy and makes money.


First, your book, if you write it with us, will get you out of the trading “time for dollars” business model, by positioning you as the expert you are and give more people an opportunity to experience your great work.

Second, in our program, you’ll create a book that is designed to motivate people to invest in your services and products.

Don’t have any products to sell? No problem. The third idea of writing the book in our program,  is to inspire you to start creating information products by using the same design files and vendor relationships you’ll create in this program. Info-products sell for hundreds and thousands of dollars. It’s a game changer.

And lastly, we’ll be teaching you all the different, creative ways to make money with your book, no matter where you are in your business.

You won’t have to figure this out on your own.


 7)    I’m not sure I can write a best-selling book. I’m not that great of a writer.

Most people write a book with hopes of hitting the bestseller list and becoming rich and famous. While that’s the hope, it also a major stumbling block. After all, you don’t know the first thing about writing a bestseller, do you?

For lots of people, this daunting notion that their book needs to be an all-time classic is what keeps them from writing anything.


The RIGHT way to write your book means that you understand that when done correctly, the purpose of your book isn’t to try to get on the best-seller list. (Although that’s very cool if that happens!)

The purpose of a book, for business owners in particular, is to give people valuable information about a subject that you (and they) love. And by the time they finish your book, the logical conclusion in their mind is to invest more into your programs and services.

Consider this: I can make more money from one new client who’s read my book than 99% of the authors in the world who only make money from selling their books.

This is because I understood what the book is designed to do before I even wrote it, and as a result, I wrote the RIGHT book.


8)    Can’t I do this on my own?

Of course you can do this on your own. As we’ve been saying, there really is nothing especially difficult about this.

But consider this…

Right this minute, do you know how to get your book on a Kindle or an iPad? Do you know the best way to get your book printed and distributed without you having to buy hundreds of copies upfront? Do you know what it should cost to have your book formatted? Do you have a plan for how you will use your book to make more money?

We do.

We invested A LOT of time and money learning the answers to all these questions, many of which you have not begun to consider. And we can tell you from experience that making one mistake will likely cost you more than what we’re charging for the entire program.

For the serious business owner who values their time, this program is an investment, not an expense.


 9)    Why do I need the structure of this program?

We heard from some people that they we’re not sure they needed the structure of this program to write their book.

Shortly after the start of 2012, members of this program will get a box in the mail. They will rip it open and feel the thrill of holding their creation, their new book, in their hands for the first time. Later there will be a celebratory toast…

Going forward, their business will have a much clearer identity and focus and they will have many ways to make money from this creation.

And they will be published authors; experts in their fields.

Will you?

Here’s to becoming authors in 2012!


Karin and Drew


About the Authors:

Karin Witzig Rozell is a Marketing Materials Maven, branding wiz and all around wellness marketing queen for wellness pros. She’s a former wellness pro, who knew nothing about business and transformed her hard-learned lessons into practical wisdom. She is on a mission to prevent others from making the same mistakes. She founded the Wellness Professional Network (, designed to teach wellness pros all the business stuff they didn’t teach in school. She is happily married to Drew, and lives in the beautiful foothills of the Adirondacks with their son, and their furry pets. She is Drew’s city slicker turned country gal who won’t touch a pair of Carharts with a ten-foot pole.

Drew Rozell, Ph.D. is one cool dude. He’s the author of the # bestseller, The Very Cool Life Code and founder of the Very Cool Life® line of products and coaching programs. He has been a successful professional coach to entrepreneurs and other progressive thinkers for nearly 15 years. As a social psychologist, he’s a college professor turned entrepreneur and brings his laid back (yet edgy) style when coaching clients to live life on their own terms. He likes to hike. A lot. When he’s not coaching and hangin’ with the family, he’s climbing the high peaks of the Adirondacks. He is Karin’s Mountain Man.


Summer Biz Audio Tip: How to get focused for the fall

Part 4 in a series of inspiring food-for-thought posts for when you’re focused on enjoying summer AND having a successful practice. Listen to this 1-minute audio tip on what I do every summer to bring focus, momentum and results to my business.

Perfect to wrap up the end of the season.

To your success,


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Summer Biz Tip: Reconnecting to Your Email List

Part 3 in a series of inspiring food-for-thought posts for when you’re focused on enjoying summer AND having a successful practice.

Ever let a few missed issues turn into months of no contact to your newsletter list?

And then the next thing you know, you’re feeling embarrassed about writing.
And the time just keeps going by??
I’ve been there.
Before you can expect your readership to invest in your services, they’ll need to feel connected with you.
No one likes to receive email with only offers and promotion.
People sign up for your ezine because they want to hear from you.
They want to relate with you, learn from you and be supported by you.
Getting in touch and staying in touch is the first step to reactivating your list.
(And essential to having a successful autumn!)
However, here is one thing you should NEVER do when you’ve missed a few issues:
Never start off with an apology.
“Hi, Sorry I haven’t written in awhile…”
UGH. Who wants to open an email and feel that kind of low-energy?
It’s the equivalent of meeting someone at a party and they start off telling you what’s wrong with their life. Bummer.
Instead of apologizing, share something new and good in your life.
Anything! Even if it’s the weather in your hometown or something you enjoyed in the past week relevant to your ezine’s theme.
This is the equivalent of meeting someone fun and cool at a party.
It’s a pleasure to be around them.
What’s the antidote for being out of touch with your list?
Like any relationship, just start connecting.
And, like any relationship that’s been a little “cool” – start slowly and give a lot of value.
Then figure out a way to keep in touch twice per month that works for you.
Here are a few examples for getting back in touch with your list that you can borrow or adapt to your modality…
Nutrition Pro
- It’s hot and sticky in New York so I thought to share my favorite breakfast smoothie. It’s cooling, naturally low-fat and takes 2-minutes flat! Then share the recipe in your “tip section”. End with your contact info and an invitation.
Relationship Coach
- I just watched last Wednesday’s Oprah episode about two women who can’t find love no matter what they do. Get my take on why these women keep making the same mistakes with men. And then add your 2 cents as if you were invited to comment on the Oprah show. You could even have fun with it and make it look like a magazine interview between you and Oprah. End with your contact info and an invitation.
- It’s hot and humid here in Southern Vermont and I thought to share my favorite DIY herbal elixir for staying cool all summer for less than $5. Then share how to purchase mint, plant it and watch it grow wild and how to make homemade iced mint tea that tastes better than any store bought version. End with your contact info and an invitation.
See what I mean?
Make it short and sweet.
Start adding value to your reader’s life and they’ll love you for it.
And that’s the first step to getting them to consider working with you.
To your success,

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Your Success and Fear of Being Alone

Before I made any serious money, my biggest recurring fear was this: If I really go for it in my business, and become the success I know I can be, and truly allow myself to become fully self-expressed, I'll be all alone. 

As the saying goes, it's lonely at the top, right?

Oh, how wrong I was.

When I realized kept using this fear from growing my business, I decided to use the following mantra every time it reared it's ugly little head.

My success brings me and my loved ones closer together.

My success brings me and my loved ones closer together.

My success brings me and my loved ones closer together.

Today, I write this while my son naps from the private, lake front cabin I rented.

The rest of my family - my husband, my brother, my mom and stepdad play by the water's edge and relax in cozy Adirondack chairs overlooking the amazing view. Renting a lake house has always been a dream of mine.

Drew's brother Matt and two of his children just arrived. And hopefully, we'll see Drew's NYC sister Mary and her family, later this week when they make the drive up.

And we even met some really cool people who live next door.

I promise you, being successful is not at all lonely.

Your success can bring the people you love and treasure closer to together.


Here's to creating your version of success,


From Camp Hiawatha

Paradox Lake, NY


Summer Biz Tip: "Back to School" Clothing Idea for Wellness Pros

Part 2 in a series of inspiring food-for-thought posts for when you’re focused on enjoying summer AND having a successful practice.

Most wellness pros take the time to figure out what colors they will use in their branding, website and print marketing materials.

Yet it’s also important to reflect on the best clothing colors that will represent you in the best possible light and, what colors will be an authentic expression of who you are and what you do.
Even if you wear only t-shirts and dress casually, the colors you wear have a profound influence on whether people say YES to your services and to working with you.
When you wear the right color for your skin tone, it draws people to you. It helps people relax and feel good around you. It also helps people understand you and your working style.
It's really a unique expression of who you are.
And let's face it: we live in a physical world and your clothing and the colors that you wear express a powerful message about you. We may not like that, but it's the way it is.
And so it is, when you wear the wrong colors, it can feel abrasive and a little off-putting. It can essentially feel "off-message".
This isn’t about fashion. It’s an energy thing.
The first place to start is to decipher if your color palette falls mostly within the Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer colors.
You only have to look at nature to see what colors express each season. You may be a bright Spring, or a light Spring. Or a end of Summer palette or look best in the colors of early Summer. Or a bold Autumn or quiet Winter. (I'm a Soulfully Rich Winter! Having a name like this helps me make good choices when I go shopping. You can make one up for yourself too.)
Where most people make a mistake is wearing colors they like, rather than what looks best on them.
And the color ends up wearing them, rather then enhancing the person behind the outfit.
So when it comes time to reflect on your branding and messaging this fall, consider spending a little time thinking about the colors you wear.
It really helps.
P.S. Need help with discovering what colors suit you best? Listen to me interview Kailash Sozzani, the woman who taught me the importance of color and wearing your own “feathers”, for The Wellness Professional Network. You'll learn how not everyone should wear "basic black", the four color seasons, each season's personality and much more. Take this call to the beach and let it inspire you to invest in clothing in colors that helps you feel and look your best.

Free Class on... The Psychology of Color - How Wearing Your Best Colors Can Help Your Clients Say YES, Increase Your Confidence and Upgrade Your Professional Image

Click here to listen to this 47 minute interview from your computer.

Click here to download this interview to your computer.

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Summer Biz Tip: Facing the Fear of Being Seen

Part 1 in a series of inspiring food-for-thought posts for when you're focused on enjoying summer AND having a successful practice.

After a long week, my husband Drew and I decided to visit family for a little nurturing R&R.

Our first stop, visiting "Da Nuns." Drew's Aunts, two wildly independent nuns who started their own ministry helping children of migrant farm workers, truly walk their talk of living a life of faith.

They provide a safe haven for children who would otherwise not have a childhood, offering summer camps, day trips, education, and endless low-no fee services to hard working families. Suffice it to say it's an amazing place. You can't be in their presence without feeling loved up, cared for, and reconnected to your own faith in this thing called life.

Another reason we came to visit them was to share our ideas about expanding their impact and income stream by creating a website, blog, and offering online donation options to their charitable donors. You see, we get their twice annual print newsletters and attend their annual picnic. Each time we visit, either by newsletter update or in person, we hear amazing stories of real people trying to make it in this country. It's inspiring, humbling, and calls you to action. By creating a medium to share their work and success stories via a simple website and blog, we knew that others would be called to support their work too.

When we presented our ideas to their financial board for taking their stories online and automating their donation system, there came a moment in the conversation that I feel every wellness or "change your life" practitioner faces.

"What if we get negative feedback? What if people lash out at us? We've been underground for years, and not everyone is going to like what we do here, helping migrant familes. What if the world at large isn't ready for what we're doing? We're not familiar with the technology of the internet, how will ever make this work for us?"

Translation: The fear of being seen.

This is where many wellness practitioners stumble in this phase of business growth. The fear of "what ifs." And sadly, many freeze up, consciously or not, and decide the risks are too high to be truly seen.

Drew, a superb coach, shared this bit of wisdom with the group. "There comes a time in your work, when you must make a decision whether to open up and share your heart and message with the world or not. But here's the catch. You can't just open up a little. You have to open completely and be willing to be seen. In this willingness, you open yourself up to receiving the gifts the universe has to offer you in return for your good works."

In response, it took one phrase to bring the heart of the matter back on the table. My Aunt-in-Law, Sister Pam, followed with this.

"You either live your life in faith or in fear."

There's no middle ground. You may momentarily forget, after all, we are human. But you've gotta choose one or the other.

They quickly reconnected with their faith and purpose of their work and made the decision to follow their faith rather than let their fear lead the way.

So they didn't let the unknown factors of world wide web stop them. They asked questions, clarified any confusing points, and immediately (and wisely) outsourced this project to someone who loved the idea of taking it on.

The question naturally arises….

Are you leading your business in faith or in fear?

It's an edge. It can be scary. You may take some criticism.

Oh, but what a ride it will be.

To your continuous professionale expansion,


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn't teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Weekend Sale! New Home Study Course

Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I've been getting emails asking why I only released my home study course yesterday to a select group of people.

Let me explain...

I only meant to treat my close clients and their friends a little extra special.

But I guess it kinda back fired.

Now I have a bunch of wellness pros breathing down my neck, sending me notes on facebook and writing my assistant.

Even one from the Ukraine!

So to make up for any misunderstanding, not only am I opening the doors right NOW, I'm also giving you the client and friends coupons to save BIG.

Below is the pre-sale invitation I sent to my clients yesterday, including the $100 off coupon that ends this Sunday, August 7th, at Midnight.

Check it out... (and now you can stop emailing me already.) :)


I feel so neked. ;)

If you read my email from earlier this week, then

you know what I’m referring to. (I hope the ninja

mindset secrets were helpful. I received quite a

few funny emails from that!)

Now I’m finally ready to pull back the curtains.

Introducing my new home study course…

The Fast Start to Clients Program:

8 Weeks to Jumpstart Your Practice Success in

Holistic Health and Wellness

I created it to help you re-design and re-launch

your business around what really works in the

wellness field (or show you the ropes if you’re a

newbie) WITHOUT a fancy pants website, WITHOUT a

brand and WITHOUT needing an amazing social media


Things like how to charge, creating programs that

sell, what to say in your first session to have

people say YES, how to invite people to that first

session in a variety of different and effective

ways and lots of mindset stuff to help your inner

game too.

It’s my “keep it simple and get your practice off

the ground” program.

You can go here now to check it out:

And because you’re one of my special “advance

notice” friends, I want to give you first dibs on

a few bonuses…

1)       The Weekend Sale - Only for you and your friends!

If you want a copy for yourself or perhaps you

would like to share your “in the know” good

fortune with a friend, I’m offering $100 off the

program for this weekend only Aug 5-7 (full-pay option


This weekend sale will expire this Sunday, August 7th at


You can use it yourself and/or share with a friend

or two or three or more.

When you check out, just enter the word “friend”

in the coupon box -and the online shopping cart

will calculate your savings.

Please note, this is for the full-pay option only.

2)       Free Shipping!

Until this Sunday, August 7th, Midnight I’m

offering free shipping on the full pay AND 3-pay


That’s an additional savings of $16 - $32,

depending where you live.

Enter the coupon code: "shipfree" when you check out

(I love free shipping, don’t you?)

3)       The First 30 People…

The first 30 people who take action and grab a

copy will be invited to a small group coaching

call in September to ask me ANYTHING about their

business and this program.

I love these intimate coaching calls with plenty

of time for in-depth Q&A.

I think they’re fun and my clients find them very

rich in practical step-by-step support and biz

wisdom from my 10+ years of self-employment and 5+

years as a wellness pro.

My assistant Heidi will notify you next week if

you’re one of the first 30.

I wanted to give you a head start before I open

this up to my entire email list next week.

4)       And just for fun…

When you grab your copy, you’ll start receiving a

few of my “get the most out of this program” email

tips to keep you focused on results while you wait

for the mail carrier to hand deliver your materials.

I’ll share my nerdy little secrets that I turn to,

time and time again, to ensure I get results from

the many home study courses I invest in each year.

My clients love it when I share this stuff.

Alright, get to it!

Here’s the link again:

And don’t forget the coupon codes above!

(You'll need to type them in, one at a time)

They expire this Sunday night.

Got questions? Email my assistant Heidi at and she’ll help you out.

To your success,


P.S. Make sure you check out the quirky video I

did from my observation deck on our property.

It’s here:

Just click on the picture at the top of that page.

You’ll see where I live! :)


Karin Witzig Rozell

Message, Marketing and Money Coaching for Wellness


And Home of....

The Wellness Professional Network

Want to Connect on Facebook?

PO BOX 37, Granville, NY 12832, USA