How to Deal with Distractions (And Avoid Putting Your Dreams on the Back Burner)
/It will make your big vision feel normal.
It will make asking for what you want feel normal.
It will make you more courageous.
If you hang out with people who let everything stop them and have all kinds of excuses (that seem very, very valid), then so will you.
2. Set Clear Work Hours and Play Hours
Without this I would be a hot mess.
9:30am - 1:30pm I'm at my desk, Mon - Fri.
Sometimes much less.
The rest of the time is all about raising my son, family time, friends, going for walks, etc...
Occasionally I do stuff in the evenings (instead of watching tv) if I'm working on a specific creative project with a deadline. (Like the book I'm writing now!)
But generally, if I do work for my biz during play time, I get crazy irritable, stressed out and tightly wound.
Not good.
Having clear work and time off hours makes it easier for me to handle distractions and stay focused because I'm doing work at very specific times vs whenever.
This helps me keep stay focused because I'm not trying to stay focused all day and all night.
3. Have Sacred Time for Your Biz Thinking
You need a place to turn to, that's not your spouse, friend or colleague, to flush out your ideas and clear out the fog from daily distractions.
I tell my clients that our coaching calls are "Sacred Time."
It's the only space my clients have to pause, reflect and consciously choose their next steps versus reacting to things and doing things willy nilly style.
It's sacred and nothing should come between it. (Unless the house is on fire and the kids are puking.)
Not airport pick ups...
Not running errands...
Not care taking of others at the expense of your dreams...
I have a coach. (Even though my husband is an amazing coach.)
I talk to her regularly.
It gives me a place to turn to, to clarify, refocus and stay on track.
Do I really need this?
Not really.
Do I do MUCH better with it?
You need this too.
4. You Need a Team
The whole notion of doing everything yourself is like accepting a deeply flawed, outdated model of living from the 1920s.
I have a part-time babysitter, who also gets my organic groceries and runs errands twice a week.
I have a house cleaner... who comes 2x a month.
I have an accountant and bookkeeper who do my tax stuff every month...
I have an assistant.
I have a tech only assistant.
And so on...
Each time I hired someone new, it made me nervous, I wasn't sure I could afford it and it forced me to grow into the business decision I made.
If you want to have a life and still grow your business then you need to get used to working with a team, otherwise there will simply be too much to do and you'll be working all the time and will be constantly thwarted by distractions.
5. Rituals of Renewal
Those who say making money isn't spiritual never, ever took their "make a living from their passion" seriously.
If you take your wellness business seriously it's like personal growth on steroids.
Because of this, you'll need to create rituals of renewal.
That is, habits that renew your energy, spirit and mindset.
It can be as simple as putting yourself in a beautiful environment... going for a walk in nature, seeing art at the museum or going for a beautiful, relaxing meal where you are treated and cared for exquisitely.
It can be reading inspiring literature, taking a pottery class... pretty much anything that uplifts your spirit and takes your mind off your work (no matter how much you love it.)
If you don't do this, you end up "stealing time" for yourself in inappropriate ways. (Like canceling appointments, showing up late for things, procrastinating and unconsciously creating distractions for yourself in order to take breaks.)
That's why one of my secrets for dealing with distractions is giving myself regular blocks of time that I can just BE.
So when distractions do pop up, I'm not tempted to let them hijack my time and energy.
I'm well rested, thinking clearly and can easily say no to things that are not the best use of my time.
The only way you'll really know this is true for you too is by giving this a try.
That's why I talk a lot about lifestyle habits with my clients. They affect your ability to stay focused and handle distractions gracefully.
One of the best things that I can do for you, beyond getting your unique brand and message complete, is to keep you focused.
Focused on what the RIGHT next steps are for your business...
Focused on staying on message...
Focused on really being yourself in business...
Focused on gracefully handling distractions that are simply part of life...
I'd love to help you do this and more in 2012.
There are 5 spots left in my Rockstars of Wellness program that begins at the end of January with a Branding Breakthrough Retreat in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Now is the time to take a few moments for yourself and fax in your application. (Applications are here for download:
Go ahead and have fun with the holiday distractions and fun plans you have in place.
It will be even MORE fun knowing that you haven't put your dreams on the back burner and, that you have a 2012 plan for launching (or re-launching) your destiny and living the self-employed lifestyle in a way that totally rocks.
To your success,
About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.
She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.
Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.