Free Teleclass: Branding and Launching Your Wellness Biz

I'm hosting a free tele-class this Friday on "Branding and Re-Launching Your Wellness Biz the RIGHT Way". It's totally free and I'll be covering what wellness pros need to put in place to launch (or re-launch) your wellness biz without all the costly mistakes, frustrations and time-consuming guess-work I went through in the first three years of my wellness biz.

This call is especially designed for wellness pros who are in one of these two positions...

1) You're in the first 3 years of your practice and you have yet to put your brand, message, and marketing into a cohesive, compelling message that makes you stand out from a sea of similar professionals. You know you're here to make a difference, you've taken risks to transition into a wellness career but you haven't put all the business pieces together yet. And you know you need to, or else you'll have to go back to your corporate life. You've got a lot at stake and you're ready to take passion for wellness seriously.

2) You've been doing your modality for a long time now, maybe 10+ years, and doing well enough, but your marketing and business systems pretty much stink. You've been surviving on referrals and word-of-mouth. And since the recesssion hit, your biz may have taken a hit too because of this. You know you're good at what you do, now you just need to build the business engine to fuel your vision.

In addition to sharing some branding and marketing wisdom you on the call, I'll also be making two very special, very big, and very personal announcements about me and my own biz and how I can help wellness pros like you, blow past their branding and marketing barriers and re-launch your biz RIGHT.

I hope you can make it.

Details are below:



Please call in from a quiet location to ensure a good quality sound on the call or press *6 to mute your line if you experience some unexpected background noise. Thanks! PS - Please get there early, as there are limited spots on the phone line and I don't want you to be locked out.

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners using the power of authentic marketing strategies. In 2009, she expanded her private practice and launched The Wellness Professional Network as the go-to place for practitioners to learn about making more money doing what they love.  Karin lives in Upstate New York and works from home with her husband who also runs a successful coaching business.