Book Writing and Wellness Biz Tip: Stop convincing


Guest post by Drew Rozell, Ph.D. of

This morning I started writing you a message about our upcoming book program.

In the midst of my writing, my phone rang – it was time for a coaching call with one of the programs’ members about her book.  (Yep, members are already booking their coaching sessions with me to get a jumpstart on their book’s focus.)

We had one of those really wonderful conversations – the kind where you just feel a profound, energizing change taking place - and when we ended the call, she was thinking about her book and business in an entirely new way.

A simpler way. A better way. An EASIER way….

During our conversation, I offered her some core advice that I want to share with you now.

Stop trying to convince anyone.

Stop trying to convince them how good your idea is.

Stop trying to convince them of what you think they need to know.

Stop trying to convince them to be your client.

Stop trying to convince your friends and family that what you do is valuable or important.

Stop trying to convince people to sign up for your stuff.

And then sit down to express what you wish to share with the world in your book, do just that… Share!

Write with confidence. Write about what you love. Write what you know to be true. Write what you think is super-cool!

Don’t write about what you think people need (no matter how important you think it is… guess what… they don’t need it!)

Don’t offer up all the research and evidence to support your case.

Don’t direct your energy to the people who need convincing.

Do this for 2 reasons…

1) This will make your business SO MUCH easier…

2) There will be a quantum level change in the type of client you attract…

Think about it…. Do you want to spend your time working with the people who “need” your stuff, but don’t really want it?

Or do you just want to surround yourself with the people who really want what you have to offer? Got it?

Okay, back to the Book in 90 Days Program…

When I looked back at the message I was writing you this morning, there was a whiff of me wanting to convince you to be part of this program.

Hell, I can justify WHY I was trying to convince you – because I believe this to be the very best program of its kind and I know the value provided far exceeds anything we can even explain.

But the truth is, you either get it, get us, get what we’re offering here, and really WANT to join us…

Or you don’t.

Either is cool.

If you’re in the “get it” camp, all you have to do is to trust your inner YES response and ride that wave of certainty. (Even if it makes you nervous!)

So I remembered my own advice, trashed my original note to you and wrote this instead…

By now, you have all the information you need on the registration page and our free call here:

Finally, I will REMIND you that Saturday, April 21st is the last day to save an additional $200 on your registration.

We’d love to share this experience with you,

Karin & Drew


About the Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners who have a great quality of life too.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and the forthcoming book: Rockstars of Wellness: Super Simple Ways to Stand Out, Get Hired and Become Irresistibly Relevant to Your Tribe.

Karin lives in Upstate New York, in the beautiful foothills of the Adirondacks, and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.