[Podcast 6] Appreciation

I hope your travels or homebound adventures are going well for you this Thanksgiving holiday.

Drew and I recorded a short and sweet podcast episode yesterday all about Appreciation.

We discussed...

  • A small, but mighty coachy-coach distinction on gratitude vs appreciation (and why you might go for appreciation instead!)

  • A breakdown of what we most appreciate about having a coaching business for over 20 years (24 for Drew!) and funding our lives this way (May this inspire you to take a moment to bask in your own creations!)

  • A personal share of how coaching landed me a husband (hehe)

Grab your phone and take us out for a stroll when you need a break from your T-day.

(Some of my Instagram friends shared they listen while folding laundry and while they do some Thanksgiving cooking. I also love turning the mundane into something special with a good podcast in my ears.)

Find the latest episode here (or on your favorite podcast player).

Sending hugs and appreciation for reading my little email messages and being a part of my life from afar!



PS - I'm ready to help you refocus your message, services and marketing in the #happylittlepractice way whenever you're ready. Get in my schedule here for next week.