Use Your Healing Arts to Overcome Fears and Grow Your Business

If you're like most Wellness pros, you have always seen yourself as a practitioner. Not as a business owner. After all, you didn't get into private practice because you love business.

You got into health and wellness because you have overcome something and you want to help others do the same.

Or you have a gift and passion for understanding the body in a way that you simply had to make a career out of it.

The result is you're a wiz when it comes to working with clients, but you can feel like a deer in headlights when you have to think about marketing.

I've heard it from MD's, nutritionists, energy healers, therapists and more. No one is immune.

However, if you whole heartedly believe in the services you offer will make a difference in someone's life, you owe it to them and yourself to do what it takes, in an ethical way, to get that person to take action.

But what happens if the person that needs to take action is you?

What if you find that the biggest barrier to your next level of success is you?

I see this all the time too. I've done it. We all do it. We've all been guilty of believing the excuses we tell ourselves.

- I'm too busy - I need to lose a bit more weight before I get out there - I have to look like a health or fitness god/goddess before I claim my expertise - I'll wait until ENTER LIFE DRAMA goes away - My energy isn't quite "right"

No one told us that we'd have to face our fears of being seen, rejected, judged, dealing with money, feeling worthy, etc... I can honestly tell you, you don't need to go to India to grow spiritually. You just have to deal with your stuff that comes up for you instead of running away from it. It's a powerful personal growth vehicle! Who ever said business isn't spiritual hasn't been in private practice.

So rather than making a super big deal about the ways we trip ourselves up, here's my recommendation.

Step 1 - First, we all self-sabotage. No biggie. Don't worry over your worrying. Remember you're human. Try to lighten up about it. "Oh, Whoops. There I go again." This will create a little energy for the next step.

Step 2 - Take out those healing arts tools, tricks and tips you use with your clients and use them on yourself for the purpose of growing your business and releasing the fears.

For example...

If you're a holistic nutritionist, you know that certain foods can give you strength, confidence and "fire up your energy." Eat more of that.

If you're an acupuncturist, get treatments on the energy pattern of hiding out and whatever else is coming up for you.

If you're a meditation coach, well meditate on feeling the fears and doing it anyway.

If you're a life coach, start coaching yourself. Use a journal and ask yourself, if I were the coach to a client like me, what would I say/recommend? Go back and forth in the role of coach/client until you have a breakthrough.

If you're a physician, who is used to delegating to a team or assistant, outsource select marketing activities to your staff (just like they do with other matters in your practice) so it gets done instead of you being the hub for everything.

You're already good at transforming people's lives. Integrate these same skill sets in your business practices and watch it grow.

This is the new way of doing business.

To your continued success,
