WellProNet Tele-Training: Cultivating the Courage to Get Out There, April 1

At some point in private practice, you have to face your fears. Your fear of rejection, backlash and ‘what will they think of me?!’…

Your fear of no one signing up, showing up or people throwing tomatoes during your seminar…

Your fear of standing on your own, standing out, being a leader/guru or expert and taking a chance that not everyone will like you…

All of this is totally natural.

You’re human.

And like all humans, it’s absolutely normal to desire to stay safe and cozy within what you know and not seem too different.

But staying snug as a bug doesn’t get your great work into the hands of the people that want it.

You have to venture into the marketplace, the places where your clients hang out and are open to learning new things.

And that takes courage.

It’s not difficult to learn the biz savvy skills and best practices you need to help you navigate these waters.

It just takes courage.

Courage to send your newsletter consistently, to stand in front of a room of strangers and share what you know, to make follow-up phone calls, to offer your services to a wellness coordinator, to promote your tele-series effectively and so on.

Again, it’s not difficult. It just requires some gumption, an opinion and the willingness to go beyond what your mind says you can and can’t do.

So how do you begin to cultivate courage to share your work with the world?

It’s like working out any muscle in your body.

Over time, with consistent action in the direction you want to go, it gets stronger, more flexible and you become more confident in your ability to flex that “mindset” muscle.

And on the next WellProNet Tele-Training, on Thursday, April 1st, at Noon eastern we’re going deep into this topic.

In this tele-class you’ll learn:

  •  How to deal your fears, worries and doubts that sometimes get the best of you and stunt your progress
  • You’ll be inspired by stories from my own not-so-perfect experiences and my wellness pro clients’ real-life tales that will remind you that you ARE NOT ALONE
  • The mindset you’ll need to handle criticism as your wellness work impacts more and more people
  • How to become aware of a BIG unconscious, unspoken dynamic that wellness pros unwittingly fall into and how to nip it in the bud (I’ve done it too!)
  • Practical ways and great resources to build that muscle of courage
  • And, you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions, share your thoughts and receive on-the-spot coaching

I’ve never shared so openly and deeply about this topic.

Much of what I plan to cover is the stuff I have only shared, one-on-one, with my private clients.

You’ll want to add this tele-class to your own success library to refer to time and time again. (Yep, those fears, worries and doubts don’t just pop up once!)

And this call is free for members of WellPronet.org.

Not a member yet? Click on the following link to find out if membership is right for you: http://wellpronet.org/whyjoin

Can’t make the live call? No problem. WellProNet members receive a word-for-word transcript and audio recording of the monthly tele-trainings. So you can listen to the training on your own time. In fact, 75% of members access the membership resources on their own time, so you’re in good company.

Hope you decide to join us!


About the Author and WellProNet.org: Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners using the power of branding with archetypes. In 2009, she expanded her private practice and launched The Wellness Professional Network as the go-to place for practitioners to learn about making more money doing what they love.  Karin lives in Upstate New York and works from home with her husband, Drew Rozell, who also runs a successful coaching business.

How I Became a Kiva Diva

kivadivaLast Spring I spent a weekend in Santa Fe with friends. While I was there, we spent a day hiking in the ancient ruins of the Pueblos Native Americans in Bandelier National Park.

We took the extra loop of the trail to visit a special Ceremonial Kiva from the 1200's carved into the rock face of a mountain (A Kiva is a place of ritual and spiritual connection for the Pueblos).

The problem was, in order to get to this special cave, we would have to climb wooden ladders up three steep cliffs.

Did I mention I have a terrible fear of heights?

On our way to the ceremonial cave, there were signs that read dire warnings: “Do not attempt to climb the ladders if you have health problems or have a fear of heights.”

I immediately STOPPED enjoying the hike.

Everyone around me was chatting away, having a great time.

In that moment, I secretly hated everyone there.

“Don’t they know they could fall off and die!!” I thought.  “What fools!”

I decided I was going to skip it.

Even though I would be the only one out of seven who was going to miss this adventure.

No one was pressuring me. It was totally fine by them if I wanted to hang back.

Then my friend Wendy, a transformational life coach, casually mentioned how it “was going to be SO worth it. A once in a lifetime thing.”

Ah jeez. I’d hate to miss that.

And then I overhear another person in our party, also a deeply gifted wellness professional who I respect, saying how the energy of the Pueblo Kiva is something that never fails to blow him away. He’s done it many times before!

“Oh no! I don’t want to miss this!” I thought to myself. “I’m going to have to do this.”

I was shaking.

But I knew the longer I sat there thinking about it, the more my “fear” would rationalize my staying put on solid ground.

So I hustled myself right up the first ladder. First in line. Gulp.

(The trick is to not look up or down – just at the next rung. And being first in line was not a bravery thing, it was me avoiding having to watch my friends climb ahead of me and letting the fear build even stronger.)

After ascending the first ladder, I was shaking, yet still considering going back down to avoid the next two.

But then my friends where right behind me.


Gotta keep going.

You had to take turns with the people coming down as the climbing route is very narrow, and in order for my friends to get up the ladder as a group, I had to keep going.

I made it up the next two ladders.


We took some quiet time to enjoy the energy of the ceremonial cave and had some dark chocolate to celebrate.

Only one problem.

I had to get back down.

That was a bit harder.

Every single muscle was firing, shaking and saying NO!

Each time I started on the next ladder down, I would go through a 5 second thought process of…

-         holy smokes, I can’t do this

-         maybe Drew can carry me

-         Drew can’t carry me

-         I am terrified

-         I have no idea how to get down

-         I can’t get down

-         I have to go down

-         A barely inaudible wimper would come out of my lips (yes – I wimpered in public!)

-         This sucks!

-         Aww jeez!

-         Here I go!!!!!!

Obviously, I survived.

My legs and arms felt like jello afterward from the stress of it all.

And yet, I must admit, I felt like super woman.

Was the Kiva really worth it?

It was really spectacular.

And I’m glad I didn’t miss it.

But what was really powerful for me is that this was the second time in my life where I wasn’t letting this fear of heights guide my choices.

(The last time was in Puerto Rica Zip Line. You can see that video here: http://www.youtube.com/karinwitzig).

That’s what’s possible when you are in a group of people who are focused on going beyond what your mind says is possible.

You automatically uplevel what you can do.

Just like that.

Energy is truly contagious.

Who you hang out with profoundly affects what you can achieve.

Had I been on my own, I would have not climbed those ladders.

And deep down, I knew that would have been another score for fear leading my life.

I’ve had enough of that and it doesn’t lead me to what I want.

So who will you be hanging out with when thinking about your practice goals?

Will they be like my friends who inspired me to overcome my fears?

Will they be like my hiking friends who encouraging me to see that on the other side of my nerves and fears is a new level of self-esteem, confidence and personal power?

Energy is contagious.

That’s a BIG reason I’ve put together WellProNet.org

To put you in a group of people who are going for it WITH you.

Going beyond your fears is so worth it.

You are so worth it.

Your vision for what you want to contribute to the world is worth it.

What will you choose, your fear or what’s on the other side of fear?

Hang out with me and 80 other Wellness Pros in the life and health transformation field and you’ll get where you want to go.

The first step is to visit WellProNet.org and see if it’s for you.

To your success,


Like what you read? Then don’t miss another issue of WellProNet’s Wellness Business Trends and get business savvy about your passion for wellness fast. Sign up for free on the homepage of http://wellpronet.org.

About the Author and WellProNet.org: Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners using the power of authentic marketing strategies. In 2009, she expanded her private practice and launched The Wellness Professional Network as the go-to place for practitioners to learn about making more money doing what they love.  Karin lives in Upstate New York and works from home with her husband who also runs a successful coaching business.

WellProNet Tele-Training: How to Land Paid Speaking Engagements, Mar 11

It's one thing to summon the courage to start booking yourself for presenations, workshops and seminars. It's such an essential skill for fast tracking your ability to attract new clients!

But it's another thing to know what to say when you get the decision maker on the phone.

Do you feel confident when negotiating you fee, speaking requirements and more?

Do you know how to lead the conversation so that everyone wins?

Or you cave in and take what you can get?

Don't worry, I have just the thing to help you look and feel like you really know what you're doing!

On Thursday, March 11th at Noon Eastern, I'll share with you my best tips and strategies for "How to Land Paid Speaking Engagements" (Whether you're brand new to speaking or just want to start getting paid for your efforts as you grow your practice!)

In this tele-training, I'll teach you...

  • a template for what you MUST say when you get the decision maker on the phone (so you sound like you know what you're doing)
  • What to say to get paid well while using speaking to grow your business and attract clients
  • what to set up to ensure you will be able to attract clients at your speaking event
  • And what to do if you've never spoken before.

This 75 minute tele-training is free for members of The Wellness Professional Network.

When? Thursday, March 11th, 2010 Noon Eastern

Can’t make it? No problem. I record and transcribe each tele-training. Members can access them as often as they want.

So don’t miss out! It’s super affordable and absolutely necessary for you to learn these types of skills to make your private practice fly. (And take it into the 21st century!).

Click here (http://wellpronet.org/whyjoin) to find out if this one-of-a-kind network of progressive wellness pros is where you want to be. 

To join this call you need to become a member (http://wellpronet.org/benefits). And I would love to have you join us. 

You’re going to love learning about marketing and making more money as an authentic wellness pro.

"See" you there!


About the Author and WellProNet.org:  Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners using the power of branding with archetypes. In 2009, she expanded her private practice and launched The Wellness Professional Network as the go-to place for practitioners to learn about making more money doing what they love.  Karin lives in Upstate New York and works from home with her husband who also runs a successful coaching business.

WellProNet Training Call: How to Hire Your First Assistant, Feb 4

If you've been working way too hard in your practice... If you've been wondering how to "get it all done" in your practice - the marketing, the client care, the follow up, the mailings and so much more - without becoming a workaholic and never seeing your loved ones...

And if you're not sure how you'll be able to afford getting support in your business, then allow me to shine a light on a big issue for wellness pros.

You don't have to do everything yourself, nor should you!

In fact, doing everything yourself is a sure-fire way to slow down your practice success, limit your income and leads to burn out.

Whether you're just thinking about getting an assistant, or want to upgrade your current team to work with you (not against you), or you want to be ready for when the time is right to hire your first team member, then this class is for you.

In this members-only tele-training, I'll share the tips, tricks and insights into hiring help in your wellness biz the RIGHT WAY.

From what tasks you can easily, affordabily and IMMEDIATELY outsource and automate, no matter where you are in your practice. (That's right, there are things you can do RIGHT NOW that will cut down on the hours you put into your practice, which will make you look like a total pro and all WITHOUT hiring ANYONE. I'll teach you how.)

To the understanding the secrets to hiring the right person... (There a different types of assistants, at different price points, and I'll explain the variety of ways you can integrate the right type into your practice.)

To even knowing how to let go of someone who's not working out... (I've been through several! And I can help you avoid the mistakes I made.)

To what are the affordable ways to create a team of support right away without spending big bucks on an assistant.

The message is clear: you don't have to do it all yourself (nor should you!).

This 75 minute tele-training is free for members of The Wellness Professional Network.

When? Thursday, Feb 4th, 2010 Noon Eastern

Can’t make it? No problem. I record and transcribe each tele-training. Members can access them as often as they want.

So don’t miss out! It’s super affordable and absolutely necessary for you to learn these types of skills to make your private practice fly. (And take it into the 21st century!).

Click here (http://wellpronet.org/whyjoin) to find out if this one-of-a-kind network of progressive wellness pros is where you want to be. 

To join this call you need to become a member (http://wellpronet.org/benefits). And I would love to have you join us. 

You’re going to love learning about marketing and making more money as an authentic wellness pro.

Hope to see you there!

Karin Witzig Rozell

Founder, The Wellness Professional Network


New Expert Interview: Do What You Love Without Burning Out

escapebookNew Expert Interview is released to members today! WellProNet's Guest Expert is Dan Clements of AlternativeHealthPractice.com and author of Escape 101: Sabbaticals Made Easy

Interview Topic: Do What You Love without Burning Out

Meet husband and wife team Dan Clements and Tara Gignac, ND.

Together, they own and operate StoneTree Clinic, a successful naturopathic clinic in Ontario, and they are the authors of the sabbatical how-to guide Escape 101, which has appeared in such places as The Wall Street JournalSuccess Magazine, and The Miami Herald, and been endorsed by best-selling authors like Timothy Ferriss (The 4-Hour Workweek).

Dan writes about health, private practice and lifestyle design in his blog called AlternativeHealthPractice.com.

I stumbled upon Dan's blog and found it rich in practical, valuable insights into being successful as a healer while still having a life.

I immediately bought his book and I'm absolutely loved it! It's superbly written, easy to digest and very inspiring.

More than that, he outlines how to take sabbaticals from your business without losing your money (or your peace of mind!).

Something I'm planning to do!

After all, what's the point of having a business for yourself if it doesn't allow you to live your life the way you want?

Yet so many wellness pros believe to be successful they have to give up quality of life and their values. Not true. And Dan and Tara are a beautiful, inspiring case study to learn from.

You're going to love this members-only interview!

To listen to this members-only interview, become a member of WellProNet today.

Here's the link to join WellProNet today and receive immediate access to this interview, as well as all the other benefits of membership: http://wellpronet.org/benefits

To your success,


Wellness Pro Tip: The Fear of "Not Knowing Enough"

Have you ever felt that you didn't know enough? I know I did for the first few years in my practice.

And so this is what would happen:

- I would spend most of my free time pursuing additional credentials and reading tons and tons of books about my modality (which was nutrition at the time)

I collected and read hundreds of health and nutrition books. In fact, in my office I have a large bookcase full of all the information I learned. Yet to my surprise, I found learning more about nutrition didn't help me grow my business.

- For example, whenever someone expressed interest in my services, be it at a networking meeting or a cocktail party,  I would feel SO EXCITED and attempt to prove to them that I actually did know a lot and would spend time answering all of their questions about nutrition.

I really thought this meant they were interested in my services and that at any moment, they would ask to book an appointment or ask for my business card.

We would talk for an extended period of time, and very often, I felt I was in convincing mode or making the case for the importance of nutrition.

Sometimes, I felt the person was just wanting me to hear THEIR opinion about nutrition and enjoy the opportunity of debating with a nutrition pro.

Other times, it seemed it was pretty clear that that person needed my help and they would asked me about how I worked, but they NEVER became a client.

So what was the problem?

It wasn't that I didn't have enough passion.

It wasn't that I wasn't putting myself out there.

I simply wasn't responding to these inquiries IN THE RIGHT WAY.

Since this recurring situation touched one of my big insecurities about my practice, I kept attracting this situation over and over and over again.

It didn't change until I realized that:

1)  answering everyone's questions wasn't turning people into clients

 2) studying more and more about my modality wasn't helping me attract clients  either and

3) falling prey to this situation was endlessly frustrating and demoralizing.  

False Premise Every Wellness Pro NEEDS TO KNOW:

Learning more and more and more about your modality DOES NOT help you attract clients.

Answering people's endless questions about what you know DOES NOT help you attract clients.

What DOES help you attract clients is learning to respond to opportunities IN THE RIGHT WAY.

And that's within the domain of marketing, not within your modality training.  Unfortunately, wellness pros aren't taught how to do this as part of their training.

Things finally changed for me when I decided to funnel some of that "continuing education" energy and invested into studying what makes people successful in very small businesses like my own practice.

And what I realized, and what few wellness pros know is this: Marketing is the bridge between you and your clients. NOT more training in your modality.

There is a BIG WIDE GAP between where you are and where your clients are and it's up to you to bridge that gap.

Solution: Next week, beginning on Wednesday, January 27th, I will teach you exactly how to respond to inquiries in your services IN THE RIGHT WAY, in my Fast Start to Clients Program. I call this learning how to design "breakthrough offers" that inspires people to book appointments with you. It's one of the secrets to success.

You'll learn what to say, what NOT to say, how to stop feeling like you're convincing people to care about your modality and how to make "works every time"  offers that puts an end to the fear of not knowing enough and the demoralizing drama of giving, giving, giving without getting clients in return.

To find out if this program is for you, visit http://wellpronet.org/faststartguide

To your success,

Karin Witzig Rozell

Founder, The Wellness Professional Network

Wellness Pro Success Secret #1 - Charge by Value, Not by Hour

Here’s a transformational idea for your private practice that few wellness pros know about. Charge by the value of your services instead of charging by the hour.

Why does this change absolutely EVERYTHING?

Because in order for you to do this, you must first really get what your services are worth in the eyes of your clients.

Most wellness pros understand the value of their services because they understand what it means TO THEM.

That’s why they became a practitioner. They get it.

So their communication style is based on what they understand to be true and impactful.

But that’s not what works.

What works is to marry your service to a message that matters TO YOUR CLIENTS.

And you can only do that when you understand the impact of your service in your clients’ eyes and communicate about that at all times.

When you know how valueable your services are in your clients' lives, it also raises the roof on your confidence and gives you courage to get out there and share the information you have.

How do you figure out what really matters to your clients? How do you figure out what actually has them pull out their credit card and say YES to themselves, to a better life and to your services?

That’s success secret #2.

If you would like to learn more charging by value instead of by the hour, I’ll be going over it in detail this Friday, Jan 8th at Noon eastern on my free tele-class on "The 8 Money and Marketing Secrets to Jumpstart Your Private Practice Success in 2010."

Get the call recording here.


How to Make Biz Growing Decisions (And stop the self-doubt!) - Jan 14, 2010

 Successful people are decisive.

The good news: You can learn this skill.

One of the biggest barriers to creating forward momentum I see with wellness pros is churning, churning, churning over decisions.

This wastes SO much energy, creates getting stuck in a rut and leads to taking forever to finish projects.

To make decisions that grow your business you have to learn how to STOP mulling over and stressing over every decision and how to know what's best for you and your biz quickly. 

In this class I'll teach you my secret works-every-time technique for making decisions that are profitable for your biz and authentic to who you are and how you choose to lead your life. 

This strategy works to honor both your "gut sense" and your mind. You'll love it. 

Won’t you join us?

This 75 minute tele-training is free for members of The Wellness Professional Network.

When? Thursday, Jan 14th, 2010 Noon Eastern

Can’t make it? No problem. I record and transcribe each tele-training. Members can access them as often as they want.

So don’t miss out! It’s super affordable and absolutely necessary for you to learn these types of skills to make your private practice fly. (And take it into the 21st century!).

Click here (http://wellpronet.org/whyjoin) to find out if this one-of-a-kind network of progressive wellness pros is where you want to be. 

To join this call you need to become a member (http://wellpronet.org/benefits). And I would love to have you join us. 

You’re going to love learning about marketing and making more money as an authentic wellness pro.

Hope to see you there!

Karin Witzig Rozell

Founder, The Wellness Professional Network

What to Do for Your Biz During the Holiday Break

If you're like me and you get an urge to do some "spring" cleaning during the holiday break, here are a few suggestions to help you and your business feel ready to go in 2010: 1) Declutter and clean up your office

Whether you work at home or see clients in-person, either way it's a great time to make your office 'homebase' ready for 2010.

Organize, find a place for everything and get rid of most things that just taking up space.

One thing I like to do is get rid of, or give away, three things that no longer reflect where I want to be in the year ahead. An old, cheap filing drawer, clutter, knick knacks, etc...

If you need help with this, membership into WellProNet.org includes a class recording and transcript on "Home Office Organizing Secrets."

2) Update your social networking presence Make sure the information is currant and everything is on message. Or decide to join a social networking community and see what all the hoopla is about.

If you need help with this, membership into WellProNet.org includes a class recording and transcript on "How to Authentically Share Your Gifts and Talents on Facebook".

3) Go through your current website and update it

Make sure your programs, bio, etc... are up to date or simply just remove the stuff that's no longer relevant.

These are just a few simple ideas to turn your holiday time off and that urge to "clear the decks" into feeling ready for January.

Start with whatever ever you have the most energy for. Just consider that it is the holiday time and if you choose to do one of these things, aim to make it enjoyable instead of "work". Light a candle, play nice music, and get some favorite snacks to fuel you.

Happy Holidays,


Are you on facebook? Get the weekly marketing and business tips for Wellness Pros on the WellProNet fan page here.

Ready to master the business side of wellness and get your message out there more effectively? Join the Wellness Professional Network: http://WellProNet.org