How You Do Valentine's Day and Your Business (They're more related than you think)

There are countless reasons NOT to celebrate Valentine's Day.

It's "Hallmark" holiday, not a real one.

It's too commercial.

I don't really care about such things.

It's so cheesy.

Who has the time?

It's a waste of money. 

I don't like to do what everyone else does. I'm different.

My wife's says she doesn't care. My husband thinks it's dumb.

It's amateur night at the restaurants. Let's stay in. 

I hate the color red. Or pink. 

I don't play by such societal rules. 

I don't like frilly things. 

I hate things with hearts and stuff. 

Flowers are over-priced right now. 

I could go on and on and on.

Like with your business, there will ALWAYS be a reason NOT to go for it. 

I'm not into the commercial side of my work.

I don't want to do what everyone else is doing.

It's cheesy to ask to be paid for what I would do for free. 

I don't like the way most people market their businesses. 

I don't have the time. Next year will be better. 

My spouse thinks it's a waste of money.

That coaching program is too expensive. 

And so on.

It sounds a lot like all the perfectly logical reasons for NOT celebrating Valentine's Day.

Consider that if you really want to have success, the kind of success that makes you truly, authentically happy and is in total alignment with who you are, what you're here to do and is defined by YOU, then you need to be a bit unreasonable.

This means...

1) You don't need a reason to go for it. You don't have to explain it, defend it or debate it. You just go for what you want just because, in your mind, it's worth going for.

2) And, you don't let all the perfectly valid and important reasons for not going for it stop you either.

Honestly, that's what it takes.

Sure, it may mean you have to invest in yourself, put in some effort and face your fear of rejection. (Hmmm, sounds like Valentine's Day again! Remember those elementary school days when you fretted over whom to give what card to?  Yikes!)

Whether you're celebrating Valentine's Day just because it might make the day a little more fun (despite what your intellect says about it) or you're going for what you want in your business, understand your desires aren't always logical.

Passion isn't logical.

Making a difference isn't always logical.

Being called to do something isn't logical.

Neither is having a fun and sexy relationship for that matter. There always is something else you could do with your time and money that seems urgent.

Be unreasonable.

Just go for what you want. (Ladies, that means allowing yourself to ask for what you want. )

It just makes life way more interesting.


Like what you read? Then you’ll love my marketing and work-for-yourself lifestyle tips for wellness pros here. Check it out:

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners who have a great quality of life too.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and the forthcoming book: Rockstars of Wellness: Super Simple Ways to Stand Out, Get Hired and Become Irresistibly Relevant to Your Tribe.

Karin lives in Upstate New York, in the beautiful foothills of the Adirondacks, and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Marketing Materials Tip: Create a Social Media Ripple Effect

You don't have to be everywhere and spend all day on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin (and others!).

I'm a fan of picking one of the social networks and becoming quite good at navigating ONE instead of diluting your energy on multiple fronts.

But it can look like you are everywhere.

And because some of your clients will prefer one of the major social networks over the others, you might as well show up where they hang out.

Here's what I mean...

When you write a blog post, it automatically posts to Twitter via (free service).

And then, because you've hooked up your professional Facebook (FB) page to Twitter (in your FB page settings), your blog posts automatically show up on your FB pro page. Nice!

And because you've connected your personal FB page to Twitter too (via settings), whatever you post on your FB pro page, also shows up on your FB personal page. Nice!

And because you're wicked smart, you have already hooked up your Linkedin profile to Twitter (via Linkedin settings) and so everything you post shows up there too. Even better!

How do you do this?

Option 1: Hire someone like Heather Cottrell, The Awesome Tech Coach (She does all this nerdy, techy stuff for me.) And because social media changes all the time, I don't have to worry about keeping up with those changes. She does it for me.

Option 2: DIY (see above)

MEGA BONUS: Once you get this down, then you super charge your posts with a few free plugins (techy term for a usually free application that you can "plug into" your blog with a few clicks of a button) that make it easy for your readers to share your blog posts and the good information you have to share. I recommend the Facebook comments plugin here  (when people write a comment on your blog using this, it posts in their newsfeed too!) and the ShareThis application here.

Hope this helps!


Like what you read? Then you'll love my marketing and work-for-yourself lifestyle tips for wellness pros here. Check it out:

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners who have a great quality of life too.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and the forthcoming book: Rockstars of Wellness: Super Simple Ways to Stand Out, Get Hired and Become Irresistibly Relevant to Your Tribe.

Karin lives in Upstate New York, in the beautiful foothills of the Adirondacks, and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Marketing Materials Tip: Upgrade your blog with this simple strategy.

If you're blogging, and especially if you have your blog hooked up to automatically post to Twitter (use to do this) and Facebook (then connect your professional page to Twitter and your new blog posts will post to your FB page), you'll want to give your blog readers an easy way to say YES to learning more from you.

Here's a super easy way to do this:

At the end of every blog post include one sentence that invites them to sign up for your ezine (email newsletter), or if you don't have one, to sign up to Feedburner (set up your blog at - it's free) to receive everyone of your blog posts by email.

Here is an example:

Like what you read? Then sign up for my marketing and work-for-yourself lifestyle tips for wellness pros and you'll also receive a FREE CD on the most in-demand and most profitable niches in wellness right now :

I include a link to a page on my website that is designed to inspire people to join my newsletter. I write out the full link just in case the link breaks on Facebook or on the other places my blog posts automatically.

And if I have a current promotion, I would add another line to invite them to check out that program, like this:

Did you know that only 20% of Wellness Pros make a great living from their passion? If you're ready to actually make a great living while making a difference, then my Fast Start to Clients program is a must-have: Visit to find out more. 

Hope this helps!


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners who have a great life too.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Marketing Material Tip: Simple word swap to add power and resonance

In marketing materials, and in particular your newsletters, health and wellness pros tend to use the word "we" when speaking to their reader.

"We all need to… " or "When considering XYZ, we must also think about…"

I find this to be a habit of softening your opinion and trying to make your words ring true to as many people as possible.

The intention is good, as you want your message to resonate, but it's largely ineffective.

It can also be an unconscious way of not standing out too much and avoiding the risk that not everyone will like what you have to say. (They won't, and they shouldn't.)

However, if you want to make your message memorable, you must have an opinion and you must share it.

Not a loud, pushy and obnoxious opinion (unless that's your authentic style) but an opinion that gives the reader a sense that you are taking a stand for what you know to be true.

Your willingness to state your opinion actually gives confidence to your readers in your services and products.

Anything less weakens your message and frankly, makes you sound less confident about your expertise.

A better and more powerful way to present your work is to use the word "you."

This is more direct and speaks to the reader as if you are writing only to them and looking them straight in the eye. It really hits home and it's more personal. It's bolder, fresher and doesn't 'beat around the bush.'

And in the health and wellness field, your potential clients desire that wake up call. They need it in order to take the risk of investing in your services/products and chance giving their health goals another go.

One way to help you step into this more effective communicating style, is to imagine one particular person that you loved working with, who achieved great results working with you, and write to THEM.

Those who are similar to them will REALLY resonate with your words and those who simply aren't ready yet, won't — and that's actually perfect.

Speak directly to your readers, rather than speaking about them, and you'll have a greater impact.

To your success,


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Audio Tip: Choosing The Right Tribe

Ever feel like your wellness work isn't getting through to people?

Or that the people you do attract are flaky and look for every excuse to bail?

It's probably not you or that people don't want what you have to offer.

It may be something else entirely.

Listen to this quick audio tip for wellness professionals and find out if you're talking to the right people.

Click the following link (will open to a new window):

If you feel inspired, let me know what you think in the comments section below!

To your continued success,


Like this tip?  Then you'll love my FREE CD recording on The 7 Most In-Demand and Most Profitable Niches in Wellness RIGHT NOW. Go here to get it:

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

7 Truths About Your Wellness Biz

1. There are so many variables to success.

Marketing, mindset, money, organization, self motivation, how you use your time and more.

In time and with deliberate focused attention anyone can learn to master them all.

But it does take time and the willingness to experiment.

So try to be gentle with yourself.

This is true for your own business as well as for your clients' success in your programs.


2. That's why it's impossible to take responsiblity for your clients' results.

There are too many variables that are out of your control.

Just like I can't give presentations and "close the deal" for my clients, you can't eat the broccoli and go exercise for your clients.

What you can only guarantee and be responsible for is what you say you're going to deliver.


3. It's inevitable that your "stuff" will come up as you grow your business.

That's why being in business for yourself in the holistic health and wellness field is like personal growth on steriods.

Whoever said making money in the life transformation field wasn't spiritual never took their business seriously.


4. How you respond to your "stuff" makes all the difference.

You will be tested.

Do you really want this? Or do you like the idea of it?

Do you view  the "no's" you receive as rejection or valuable information and an opportunity to tweak your efforts?

The trick is to not make a big deal out of every speedbump you come across.

Everyone self-sabotages, everyone spins their wheels at times, everyone tries things that don't work.

Try to lighten up about it as best you can.

It's just part of the process.


5. Some people try to do more when things aren't working.

But that's not always the answer. Sometimes it's the inner work that's calling.


6. Some people try to meditate more when things aren't working.

While absolutely valuable, these situations often require more consistent outer work and less thinking about it.

IE – Get into action.

You can't have all action and no inner work.

You can't have all inner work and no action.

The laws of nature requires relative balance.


7. It's essential to do all the steps and everyone has their own rhythm to completing them.

You can't skip learning the business side of your passion and getting out there.

Learning the business side includes choosing a niche, getting in front of people, building an email list, sending your newsletter regularly, and getting to know your target market (or tribe) so well you know them better than they do.

And despite this learning curve, at some point you have to say to yourself, you may never feel like you know enough and that's okay, let's get out there anyway.

Some practitioners as they near the phase of getting out there, sign up for more training, more coaching, in an effort to avoid the vulnerability of getting in front of their tribe, facing their fear of rejection and the temporary discomfort of asking to be paid for what they love to do.

And others get out there right away and have to circle back to figure out the marketing know-how.

My preference is to do both at the same time.

Whatever path you're on, it's okay. Everyone has their own rhythm for getting there.

The only way you won't get there is by skipping the steps or trying to get everything perfect.

Just know that you can't avoid the inevitable.


To your continued success,


Like this article? Then you'll love my FREE CD recording on The 7 Most In-Demand and Most Profitable Niches in Wellness RIGHT NOW. Go here to grab your copy today:

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

How to Deal with Distractions (And Avoid Putting Your Dreams on the Back Burner)

1. Surround yourself with people who are going for it. ("It" being their version of conscious business success).

It will make your big vision feel normal.

It will make asking for what you want feel normal.

It will make you more courageous.

If you hang out with people who let everything stop them and have all kinds of excuses (that seem very, very valid), then so will you.


2. Set Clear Work Hours and Play Hours

Without this I would be a hot mess.

9:30am - 1:30pm I'm at my desk, Mon - Fri.

Sometimes much less.

The rest of the time is all about raising my son, family time, friends, going for walks, etc...

Occasionally I do stuff in the evenings (instead of watching tv) if I'm working on a specific creative project with a deadline. (Like the book I'm writing now!)

But generally, if I do work for my biz during play time, I get crazy irritable, stressed out and tightly wound.

Not good.

Having clear work and time off hours makes it easier for me to handle distractions and stay focused because I'm doing work at very specific times vs whenever.

This helps me keep stay focused because I'm not trying to stay focused all day and all night.


3. Have Sacred Time for Your Biz Thinking

You need a place to turn to, that's not your spouse, friend or colleague, to flush out your ideas and clear out the fog from daily distractions.

I tell my clients that our coaching calls are "Sacred Time."

It's the only space my clients have to pause, reflect and consciously choose their next steps versus reacting to things and doing things willy nilly style.

It's sacred and nothing should come between it. (Unless the house is on fire and the kids are puking.)

Not airport pick ups...

Not running errands...

Not care taking of others at the expense of your dreams...

I have a coach. (Even though my husband is an amazing coach.)

I talk to her regularly.

It gives me a place to turn to, to clarify, refocus and stay on track.

Do I really need this?

Not really.

Do I do MUCH better with it?


You need this too.


4. You Need a Team

The whole notion of doing everything yourself is like accepting a deeply flawed, outdated model of living from the 1920s.

I have a part-time babysitter, who also gets my organic groceries and runs errands twice a week.

I have a house cleaner... who comes 2x a month.

I have an accountant and bookkeeper who do my tax stuff every month...

I have an assistant.

I have a tech only assistant.

And so on...

Each time I hired someone new, it made me nervous, I wasn't sure I could afford it and it forced me to grow into the business decision I made.

If you want to have a life and still grow your business then you need to get used to working with a team, otherwise there will simply be too much to do and you'll be working all the time and will be constantly thwarted by distractions.


5. Rituals of Renewal

Those who say making money isn't spiritual never, ever took their "make a living from their passion" seriously.

If you take your wellness business seriously it's like personal growth on steroids.

Because of this, you'll need to create rituals of renewal.

That is, habits that renew your energy, spirit and mindset.

It can be as simple as putting yourself in a beautiful environment... going for a walk in nature, seeing art at the museum or going for a beautiful, relaxing meal where you are treated and cared for exquisitely.

It can be reading inspiring literature, taking a pottery class... pretty much anything that uplifts your spirit and takes your mind off your work (no matter how much you love it.)

If you don't do this, you end up "stealing time" for yourself in inappropriate ways. (Like canceling appointments, showing up late for things, procrastinating and unconsciously creating distractions for yourself in order to take breaks.)

That's why one of my secrets for dealing with distractions is giving myself regular blocks of time that I can just BE.

So when distractions do pop up, I'm not tempted to let them hijack my time and energy.

I'm well rested, thinking clearly and can easily say no to things that are not the best use of my time.

The only way you'll really know this is true for you too is by giving this a try.

That's why I talk a lot about lifestyle habits with my clients. They affect your ability to stay focused and handle distractions gracefully.


One of the best things that I can do for you, beyond getting your unique brand and message complete, is to keep you focused.

Focused on what the RIGHT next steps are for your business...

Focused on staying on message...

Focused on really being yourself in business...

Focused on gracefully handling distractions that are simply part of life...

I'd love to help you do this and more in 2012.


There are 5 spots left in my Rockstars of Wellness program that begins at the end of January with a Branding Breakthrough Retreat in Saratoga Springs, NY. 

Now is the time to take a few moments for yourself and fax in your application. (Applications are here for download:


Go ahead and have fun with the holiday distractions and fun plans you have in place. 

It will be even MORE fun knowing that you haven't put your dreams on the back burner and, that you have a 2012 plan for launching (or re-launching) your destiny and living the self-employed lifestyle in a way that totally rocks.


To your success,


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Meaningful Holiday Marketing: The Power of a Simple Letter

One of the things I love for my new clients to do is to send out a special holiday offer to their email or snail-mail mailing list. This works beautifully during any spiritual/religious holiday and you can really have fun with this even on Ground Hog's Day. Nine out of ten times, this brings in a quick boost of revenue and starts to "teach" their list of current and past clients that new ideas are coming soon, and get them familiar to "program style" offerings.

One of my clients, a therapist from Canada, had never sent a mailing to her client list (online or offline) nor had she offered a program or a package of sessions. Everyone paid for each session as they went along. Which is not what I recommend for a variety of reasons.

So we quickly put together a warm, friendly holiday letter in the spirit of "I'm thinking of you this holiday season and if you're like most of my clients, you might be going through X,Y, Z… and I have an idea that may be able to help." The "idea" is a package of sessions with a special pricing if they signed up and paid in full by Dec 31st.

So far four people have said YES and she's grossed a nice little profit when her practice normally goes quiet in December. (5 Days later Update: She filled all 10 slots and more are coming in with requests for January!)

What she's also learned is that there are people who want to work with her, yet who didn't know that they could work with her on topic specific issues (such as what comes up during the holidays) and who wouldn't have been helped otherwise. Some of them probably thought once they were "done" with their prior work, that was it. However, the greater truth is that a good 5% to 20% of your clients WANT more support.

That's the brilliance of good, authentic marketing. It's a win for everyone.

The client is served in an even better way.

The practitioner is supported and paid well for making a difference. Thus making it easier for them to continue making a difference.

And the world is a better place because of it.

So consider this: There is something going on right now in your current (and past clients'!) lives that you could solve RIGHT NOW. Be there for them and send an invitation in the form of a special program, teleclass series, etc…


Want help with your marketing and finding your voice in the marketplace? I may be your gal. Check out my Rockstars of Wellness 2012 Program, starting January 2012:

Not ready for coaching? Consider my home study course that's perfect if you're just starting out. Get the details right here:


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Summer Biz Audio Tip: How to get focused for the fall

Part 4 in a series of inspiring food-for-thought posts for when you’re focused on enjoying summer AND having a successful practice. Listen to this 1-minute audio tip on what I do every summer to bring focus, momentum and results to my business.

Perfect to wrap up the end of the season.

To your success,


About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.

Summer Biz Tip: Reconnecting to Your Email List

Part 3 in a series of inspiring food-for-thought posts for when you’re focused on enjoying summer AND having a successful practice.

Ever let a few missed issues turn into months of no contact to your newsletter list?

And then the next thing you know, you’re feeling embarrassed about writing.
And the time just keeps going by??
I’ve been there.
Before you can expect your readership to invest in your services, they’ll need to feel connected with you.
No one likes to receive email with only offers and promotion.
People sign up for your ezine because they want to hear from you.
They want to relate with you, learn from you and be supported by you.
Getting in touch and staying in touch is the first step to reactivating your list.
(And essential to having a successful autumn!)
However, here is one thing you should NEVER do when you’ve missed a few issues:
Never start off with an apology.
“Hi, Sorry I haven’t written in awhile…”
UGH. Who wants to open an email and feel that kind of low-energy?
It’s the equivalent of meeting someone at a party and they start off telling you what’s wrong with their life. Bummer.
Instead of apologizing, share something new and good in your life.
Anything! Even if it’s the weather in your hometown or something you enjoyed in the past week relevant to your ezine’s theme.
This is the equivalent of meeting someone fun and cool at a party.
It’s a pleasure to be around them.
What’s the antidote for being out of touch with your list?
Like any relationship, just start connecting.
And, like any relationship that’s been a little “cool” – start slowly and give a lot of value.
Then figure out a way to keep in touch twice per month that works for you.
Here are a few examples for getting back in touch with your list that you can borrow or adapt to your modality…
Nutrition Pro
- It’s hot and sticky in New York so I thought to share my favorite breakfast smoothie. It’s cooling, naturally low-fat and takes 2-minutes flat! Then share the recipe in your “tip section”. End with your contact info and an invitation.
Relationship Coach
- I just watched last Wednesday’s Oprah episode about two women who can’t find love no matter what they do. Get my take on why these women keep making the same mistakes with men. And then add your 2 cents as if you were invited to comment on the Oprah show. You could even have fun with it and make it look like a magazine interview between you and Oprah. End with your contact info and an invitation.
- It’s hot and humid here in Southern Vermont and I thought to share my favorite DIY herbal elixir for staying cool all summer for less than $5. Then share how to purchase mint, plant it and watch it grow wild and how to make homemade iced mint tea that tastes better than any store bought version. End with your contact info and an invitation.
See what I mean?
Make it short and sweet.
Start adding value to your reader’s life and they’ll love you for it.
And that’s the first step to getting them to consider working with you.
To your success,

About the Author and Karin Witzig Rozell has been teaching health and wellness professionals how to grow their business since 2003. She started as a nutrition counselor who knew a lot about nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing. After learning some tough lessons she cracked the code and now her passion is transforming practitioners into profitable business owners.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network, the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

Karin is the author of The Fast Start to Clients Program and Karin lives in Upstate New York and enjoys working from home with her husband and son.